The global proportion of China's advertising market has increased, and industrial digital innovation and upgrading are steadily advancing


On June 20th, the State Administration for Market Regulation released the "China Advertising Industry Development Index Report". According to statistics, 857 top enterprises and institutions achieved a total advertising revenue of 274.06 billion yuan in the first quarter, a year-on-year increase of 13.6%. Meanwhile, the 2023 China Advertising Industry Development Index was announced to be 119.0 points, a year-on-year increase of 9.1%. Specifically, it presents the following characteristics: the scale of the advertising industry is rapidly increasing, and the industry vitality is constantly releasing. In 2023, the advertising revenue of public institutions and enterprises above designated size in the national advertising industry reached 1312.07 billion yuan, an increase of 17.5% compared to the previous year. The proportion of the advertising market in the world has further increased, and it continues to remain the second largest in the world. The advertising industry cluster pattern, with 29 national advertising industry parks as the backbone and more than 50 provincial-level advertising industry parks as the foundation, effectively supports the intensive, professional, and international development of the advertising industry. The new productive forces of the advertising industry are accelerating their formation, and the digital innovation and upgrading of the industry are steadily advancing. Digital advertising is growing rapidly. From the publishing end, Internet advertising accounts for nearly 80% of the total amount of various media businesses, becoming the main driving force for the sustainable development of the advertising industry. The application of technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things in the advertising field is constantly strengthening, innovating traditional advertising production, delivery, interaction, and regulatory models. Policy supply continues to strengthen, and the development environment continues to optimize. The reform of "streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving services" in the advertising field continues to deepen, and the convenience of "three products and one device" advertising review continues to improve. The cultivation of talents in the advertising field has been strengthened, and platforms such as "Advertising Cloud Classroom" have provided high-quality training resources for small and medium-sized advertising enterprises. The integration of industry, academia, and research has been deeply promoted in many areas, and the digital transformation ability of the advertising industry has been continuously improved. The advantages of the advertising industry as a productive service industry and cultural and creative industry are fully demonstrated, and social and economic benefits are constantly improving. In terms of service economy, the advertising industry shapes brands, promotes consumption, and provides impetus for high-quality economic and social development; In terms of serving society, the advertising industry creates a large number of employment opportunities, and the values and lifestyles conveyed by advertising works have a subtle impact on social culture. At the same time, the content of public service advertising continues to innovate, the scope of dissemination continues to expand, and various activities are exciting and diverse. A new pattern of public service advertising development has gradually formed, which is led by the government, linked by departments, supported by the industry, and participated by the public. The order of the advertising market continues to improve, and the fair competition environment is further optimized. Advertising oriented supervision continues to strengthen, with significant regulatory effects in key areas; The legal and regulatory system has been further improved, intelligent supervision is rapidly developing, and advertising regulatory capabilities are constantly improving. In 2023, market regulatory departments at all levels investigated and dealt with 47600 cases of false and illegal advertising, fined 466 million yuan, and effectively maintained the order of the advertising market. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

Source:People's Daily

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