The First Exhibition of Archaeological Achievements of the Grand Canal in the Whole Basin, Showcased in Yangzhou, Carrying the Thousand Autumn "Shovel" to Interpret Civilization


This vast river, winding for nearly 3200 kilometers, runs through five major water systems in the north and south, and flows through eight provinces (cities), is a magnificent spectacle completed by the Chinese people through wind, rain, and vicissitudes, together with nature. Having traveled for over 2500 years, the Grand Canal has flowed to this day at a rare time and space scale, witnessing the struggle and prosperity of the Chinese nation, and containing the code for the continuous continuation of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. On June 22, 2014, China's Grand Canal was officially approved by UNESCO to be included in the The World Heritage List. Recently, under the guidance of the National Cutural Heritage Administration, Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum (hereinafter referred to as the "China Grand Canal Museum") and the Grand Canal Archaeology and Protection Professional Committee of the Chinese Archaeological Society jointly organized the "Carrying Thousands of Years - Important Archaeological Achievements Exhibition of the Grand Canal in the New Era" at the China Grand Canal Expo, where more than 240 pieces (sets) of exhibits from 8 provinces (cities) along the Grand Canal were collectively unveiled. Carrying thousands of years, vividly interpreting the protection and inheritance story of the Grand Canal, a carbonized millet, glimpses the prosperity of the Sui Dynasty behind the "super granary"; A tooth, approaching the ancient hegemony of Emperor Yang of Sui, the excavator of the Sui and Tang Grand Canal; A bronze spear inscribed with the name "Wang" bears witness to the fighting spirit of the ancestors of Vietnam who crossed the sea and boats; A monument with the character "Zha" records the vicissitudes of the Grand Canal spanning thousands of miles... As the first exhibition of archaeological achievements throughout the entire basin of the Grand Canal, "Carrying Qianqiu" has received high attention since its launch, with over 300000 visitors in the past month. Some people came to "search for treasures", and a netizen "Here is Wanqiu" said, "The diamond shaped polo playing bronze mirror on display is vivid and exquisite in detail, reminiscent of the beauty shining on the mirror in the past, it is indeed a romantic experience that spans thousands of years."; Someone followed the diagram and after visiting the exhibition, the audience from Shanghai, Zhao Runci, went straight to the excavation site of the "Zha" stone block - the Huai'an Banzha Site, just to see the original appearance of ancient hydraulic relics. How can a museum that reflects the theme of a canal make a canal special exhibition different from the basic exhibition in the museum, so that the audience can be refreshed? The curation team and experts and scholars from more than 30 archaeological and cultural institutions along the canal discussed and finally decided to focus on the archaeological achievements of the entire basin of the Grand Canal in the new era. According to incomplete statistics, since the new era, more than 200 archaeological works have been carried out along the Grand Canal in 8 provinces (cities), and more than 60 archaeological works have achieved important results. Among them, 7 have been selected as one of the top 10 archaeological discoveries in China, and 2 have been selected as one of the "Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries of the Century". "After ten years of protection, inheritance, and development, the Grand Canal has undergone earth shattering changes, which is what the exhibition aims to showcase," said Lin Liugen, Chairman of the Grand Canal Archaeology and Protection Professional Committee of the Chinese Archaeological Society and Exhibition Curator. "A large river meanders for nearly 3200 kilometers and stretches for more than 2500 years, condensing such a huge cultural heritage into an 800 square meter exhibition space. It is difficult to highlight the key points and balance the types." Liu Qin, Director of the Collection Department of Zhongyunbo, said that the exhibition has established major sections such as the archaeology of the Grand Canal's hydraulic engineering and ancillary facilities, the urban archaeology of the Grand Canal, the industrial and commercial archaeology of the Grand Canal, and the cultural archaeology of the Maritime Silk Road, providing a panoramic reflection of the canal's archaeology and culture. Based on this, more than 30 important sites along the canal have been selected. With a "skeleton", where is "flesh and blood"? The curation team should go to the site to collect information and screen cultural relics, achieving at least four "considerations": covering different regions and 8 provinces (cities) along the Grand Canal; Involving different eras, from the excavation of the Spring and Autumn period to the integration of the Sui and Tang dynasties, the prosperity of the Song and Yuan dynasties, and the peak of the Ming and Qing dynasties; Covering different textures, such as ceramics, metalwork, and inscriptions; Reflecting different connotations, including commercial exchanges, foreign exchanges, transportation functions, life and culture, etc. It took two months to borrow more than 240 sets of cultural relics from 24 archaeological and cultural institutions across the country, most of which were exhibited for the first time. In the exhibition hall, a "hole" that allows for ultra high definition and close-up views of the teeth of Emperor Yang of Sui, the connecting point of the Grand Canal, is the most popular spot for the audience. "In terms of exhibition format, we focus on enhancing the audience's sense of participation and interactive experience." Liu Qin said that in addition to widely using display methods such as scene restoration, projection, multimedia, models, and interactive experience areas, the exhibition also includes ten "Easter eggs" such as peeping at the teeth of Emperor Yang of Sui, for the audience to explore and experience the surprises of archaeological discoveries. It is not only informative but also rich in experience. In sync with the exhibition, Zhongyunbo will also connect important archaeological achievements from different cities in the exhibition, develop a "Twin Cities Record" study tour, and experience the new vitality of canal culture in contemporary times. "Based on the important achievements of archaeology on the Grand Canal in the new era, we will deeply explore the cultural essence and historical value they contain, and adopt various forms to strive to bring more people closer and understand the Grand Canal." Zheng Jing, the director of China National Games Expo and exhibition curator, said. The "shovel" interpretation of civilization and the archaeological evidence of the Grand Canal demonstrate the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization. One river connects the north and south, connecting ancient and modern times for thousands of years. For thousands of years, the Grand Canal has traversed history and flowed to this day, just as Chinese culture has flourished and surged forward, becoming an important cultural carrier for the enduring prosperity of the Chinese nation. During the process of applying for World Heritage, archaeological discoveries revealed the authenticity value of the Grand Canal, providing important academic support and sufficient empirical evidence for the successful application. After the successful application for World Heritage, archaeologists continued to cultivate this precious heritage that carries the bloodline of Chinese civilization, continuously providing archaeological evidence for the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization Lin Liugen said that precious cultural relics attract attention, but more importantly, they reveal the cultural connotations of civilization. "An ancient Bian River, half of the history of Bianliang." More than 900 years ago, people stood on the landmark state bridge in Tokyo during the Northern Song Dynasty, listening to the bustling crowds of nearby shops. They saw the murmuring Bian River passing by, and the relief sculptures on the stone walls of the north and south banks reflected on the water surface, presenting the "carved sea horses, water beasts, and flying clouds". From 2018 to 2022, the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted archaeological excavations on the Kaifeng Bridge and the nearby Bian River channel, revealing for the first time the complete form of the Bian River in Kaifeng from the Tang and Song dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, filling the gap in the heritage of the Kaifeng section of the Grand Canal in China. It was named one of the "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2022". The person in charge of the excavation project at the Kaifeng Zhouqiao Site, Zhou Runshan, still vividly remembers the moment when the murals were discovered. At the beginning, many relics from the Ming and Qing dynasties were cleared out, and I was very anxious. Gradually, the stone carvings near the bridge were cleared out, and a small area of stone walls with patterns was discovered, which matched the records in the Song Dynasty's "Dream of Tokyo". This made me feel that there was a play! Not only the river, but also hydraulic relics such as water gates, dams, and bridges emerged with the efforts of archaeologists. In the "History of Song Dynasty," it is recorded that the technique of "wooden bank narrow river" was used to clean up the sediment accumulation of the Grand Canal at that time. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of the "Mu'an Narrow River" at the Liuzi Canal Site in Huaibei, Anhui, the Fengshan Avenue Canal Site in Lingbi, the Yongshang Jiayuan Canal Site in Suzhou, and the Bianhe River Site near Kaifeng Bridge in Henan. "The Grand Canal is a great miracle for the Chinese nation to adapt to and utilize nature, and then transform it. It also embodies the ancient wisdom of the Chinese people to accept natural gifts and engage in dialogue with nature." Liu Qin said. From the bustling cities of Luoyang City in the Tang Dynasty, the ancient city of Daming Prefecture in Handan, Hebei Province, and Hangzhou City, to the Huiluocang Site in Luoyang, Henan Province, the Liyangcang Site in Jun County, Henan Province, and the Fourteenth Warehouse Site in Tianjin, from Jingdezhen Kiln, Longquan Kiln, Dehua Kiln to Yue Kiln, Xing Kiln, and Cizhou Kiln... The cultural relics are indescribable, but they have proven that the Grand Canal, as an important waterway for inland navigation, promotes the transportation of grain from the south to the north, commercial trade, and personnel exchanges, consolidates the joint connection of the Nine Provinces, the Six Contract Winds, and the One Country of the Four Seas, supporting the harmonious progress and long-term prosperity of Chinese civilization. In the exhibition hall, a Tang Dynasty Yue kiln secret colored porcelain octagonal clean bottle is eye-catching. Its glaze is bright and green, like a lake of water, with the word "Gong" engraved on the bottom. Xie Xiying, Deputy Research Librarian of the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, introduced that there has been a long-standing controversy over the origin of secret colored porcelain. It was not until the discovery of the Tang and Five Dynasties secret colored porcelain kiln site in Housi Ao, Shanglin Lake, Zhejiang. The secret colored porcelain unearthed here is very similar in terms of shape and glaze characteristics to the Tang Dynasty underground palace of Famen Temple in Fufeng, Shaanxi, and the Qian family tomb of Wu and Yue in the Five Dynasties. It is confirmed that the origin of secret colored porcelain is in Shanglin Lake, and it is sent to the Central Plains for royal enjoyment through the Grand Canal. The Grand Canal belongs to both China and the world. In recent years, new discoveries have been made at the Guoqing Temple site in Rudong, Jiangsu, the Huangsipu site in Zhangjiagang, and the Luocheng City Wall site in Mingzhou, Ningbo, Zhejiang (Wangjingmen section), demonstrating the deep connection between the canal and the Silk Road culture. This vividly reflects the peaceful characteristics of Chinese civilization, which advocates for harmonious transportation and opposes isolation and blockage. Lin Liugen said. Building a model of museum construction within the National Cultural Park, with a focus on keeping up with the past, from the air, the shape of the Zhongyun Museum resembles a giant ship, incorporating elements of sails and docked at the banks of the Guyun River. "Previously, when it comes to Yangzhou, tourists had to go to places like Shouxi Lake, Daming Temple, Geyuan, Heyuan, and Dongguan Street. Now, I still recommend going to the China International Games Expo." A ride hailing driver from Yangzhou told reporters. In 486 BC, King Fuchai of Wu opened the Hangou to connect the Jianghuai River, which is considered the beginning of the excavation of the Grand Canal in China. As the "eldest son of the Grand Canal", Yangzhou is the leading city in China's application for World Heritage on the Grand Canal. As a grand canal themed museum that showcases the history and culture of the Grand Canal throughout the entire river basin, all time periods, and all aspects, Zhongyun Museum is a landmark project in the construction of the Jiangsu Grand Canal National Cultural Park. Its exhibition and operation are managed by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and organized and implemented by the Nanjing Museum. Gong Liang, Honorary Dean of Nanjing Museum, revealed that in the early stages of construction and exhibition planning, Zhongyun Museum was positioned as a museum within a national cultural park and should become a representative of the high-quality development of the museum industry. The positioning starting point is so high, but the construction work is quite like starting from scratch. Zheng Jing said, "It is not an exaggeration to say that we started with 'zero collection'. Since its completion and opening up in June 2021, the China National Museum of Transportation has become a national first-class museum that integrates the collection, exhibition, research, and education of canal cultural relics. It has been recognized by UNESCO as a 'Global World Heritage Education Innovation Case · Star of Excellence'.". As of the end of May 2024, we have received over 8.3 million offline viewers, over 200 million online viewers, and over 3.2 million fans from 7 self owned platforms. Looking back at the three-year process of creating something out of nothing and transitioning from existence to excellence, Zheng Jing summarized it into three innovative practices: first, new ideas in collecting collections. We must firmly grasp the principle of "collecting everything for the sake of exhibition needs", based on our own actual situation and analysis of future development trends, and improve the exhibition system in a short period of time by doing a good job in the handover and transfer of archaeological excavated cultural relics and exhibits, strengthening communication between state-owned cultural and museum collection units, and using digital resources and replicas to replace traditional cultural relics. Secondly, it is necessary to calibrate the new positioning from the perspective of cultural and tourism integration. Not only does it meet the demand of visitors for knowledge about the history and culture of the Grand Canal, but it also adopts a differentiated curation concept in public cultural services, using diversified, interesting, distinctive, and digital display methods to meet the diverse needs of the audience; In terms of creating tourist destinations, emphasis should be placed on creating a tourism atmosphere, improving service facilities, enhancing exhibition experiences, and creating a conducive environment

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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