Launch of the Russian frigate "Spy"


According to a report on the website of Rossiyskaya Gazeta on June 19, the launching ceremony of the second Russian 20385 multipurpose frigate, the Smart, was held in St. Petersburg on the 18th. The United Shipbuilding Group, a subsidiary of its manufacturing company, Northern Shipyard, announced that the "Smart" will soon join the Russian Navy and head to the Pacific Fleet. The "Smart" is the first frigate of the 20385 type to be built after being put into mass production. The first ship of this model was named the "Roar" to pay tribute to the legendary destroyer of the same name of the Northern Fleet during the Patriotic War. The HMS "Roaring" began construction on February 1, 2012, but did not enter service with the Russian Pacific Fleet until the end of 2020. The Russian Joint Shipbuilding Group announced that the 20385 frigate is a modified and upgraded version of the basic 20380 frigate, with a larger displacement and stronger missile power. The factory personnel pointed out that "the 'Smart' frigate is used to detect and destroy enemy submarines and surface vessels in the nearshore area, provide firepower support for landing forces, and carry out various tasks. The ship is equipped with artillery, missiles, anti submarine missiles, underwater sound and radar systems, and also reserves a helicopter hangar." (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Jia jia


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