Li Qiang and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar jointly attended the China Malaysia Business Lunch and delivered a speech


About 200 representatives from the business communities of China and Malaysia participated.
Li Qiang stated that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia 50 years ago, economic and trade cooperation has played a very important role in the bilateral relations. In recent years, the scale of China Malaysia economic and trade cooperation has grown rapidly, the fields have been continuously expanded, and the quality has been continuously improved, showing a thriving and flourishing trend. With the further development of China Malaysia relations, the development strategies of the two countries continue to align, complementary advantages continue to emerge, and industrial upgrading continues to advance, which will bring more new opportunities for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and the investment and development of their enterprises. The Chinese side is willing to accelerate the implementation of various cooperation agreements with the Malaysian side, jointly promote major projects, and provide more growth points for cooperation and mutually beneficial win-win points for both sides.
Li Qiang pointed out that as the main force of China Malaysia economic and trade cooperation, enterprises are an important foundation for the healthy development of bilateral relations. We hope that both companies will continue to deeply cultivate the markets of the two countries, make full use of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, continuously tap into the potential for trade growth, strive to unleash the momentum of investment cooperation, and become practitioners of mutual benefit; Actively expanding cooperation in emerging fields such as green development and digital economy, laying out future industries such as artificial intelligence and life sciences, continuously optimizing the allocation of various innovative elements, and becoming a leader in innovative development; Actively promote communication, dialogue, and cultural exchanges between the two countries, pass on more stories of China Malaysia friendship to the societies of both countries, continuously enhance mutual understanding and trust between the two sides, and become promoters of people to people communication. I believe that with the joint efforts of the business communities and friends from all walks of life in both countries, the next 50 years of China Malaysia relations will be another golden 50 years.
Anwar stated in his speech that China is an inclusive and friendly country that can understand different cultures. Malaysia and China always adhere to mutual respect, learning from each other, and cooperation for mutual benefit. The relationship between Malaysia and China has rich connotations and profound significance. The Malaysian side is firmly committed to deepening friendly relations between Malaysia and China, and is willing to further enhance mutual understanding through dialogue with China, deepen cooperation in trade, investment, science and technology, education and other fields, promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and better benefit the people and future generations of both countries.
Wu Zhenglong attended the lunch meeting. 

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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