"What kind of blue army do we want to become?"


Pick out the "thorns" that affect the improvement of combat effectiveness one by one and "build a real battlefield here" - this is a slogan posted in the "Blue Army Training Room" of a detachment of the Second Mobile Corps of the People's Armed Police. When the Blue Army detachment was formed, there was no such slogan in the training room, it was added later. Because at that time, there was still a common question mark in people's minds: "What kind of blue army do we want to become?" "Blue army" were not unfamiliar. Before the establishment of the Blue Army team, many coaches and training elites had played the role of Blue Army in some training. As part of the battlefield environment construction, the first thing to do is to keep up with the clothing and props. The smell of gunpowder should be strong, and the combat system should be proficient. The combat area is generally not large. At the seminar when it was first established, listening to everyone's understanding of the Blue Army, the leader of the detachment spoke up: "Don't set limits on yourself, remember that there is only one task, that is, starting from practical combat needs, let yourself be a needle, and pick out the" thorns "that affect the combat effectiveness of the troops one by one. To become a needle that can pick" thorns ", you must first be strong.". How to achieve this? The Blue Army team chose to have their members first paint a portrait of their previous performance as a "sharpening stone". As everyone reviews, some of the problems that existed in the past of the Blue Army have also been put on the table. "Sometimes, the Blues become the supporting role of the training, without really fighting." The training officer of the detachment, Koma, said, "This has become the first problem that the Blue Army detachment needs to solve." The introduction of some new perspectives reflects the achievements of the Blue Army detachment's phased efforts and changes in mindset. "Try to reproduce the 'biggest trouble' that the Red Army may encounter in actual combat as much as possible," "submit the call within reason and beyond expectations," "make good use of innovative thinking, and dare to push the Red Army into a desperate situation." In this process, "build a real battlefield here" was written as a slogan and posted in the "Blue Army Training Room.". Shortly thereafter, a "high-rise building anti hijacking" red blue confrontation training showcased the results of the blue army's thinking and exploration. In this confrontation training, the Red team members were prompted to carry shotguns according to the requirements of live fire shooting. This arrangement surprised the Red team members a bit: how can we use live ammunition when the field is so small? The confrontation began, and the Red team immediately noticed a difference - the "violent terrorists" not only moved frequently, but also used cover for surveillance, causing considerable trouble for the Red team to approach and conduct reconnaissance. It is not feasible to enter the building from the ground and launch an attack when the building gate is closed. Multiple variables forced the Red Party to adjust its action plan and instead resort to lowering the window and breaking into the house. At this point, the Red team members understood the intention of using live ammunition - shotguns were needed to break the window. After the Red team members parachuted into the house, the situation was also different from before. The blue team members rely on indoor facilities and layout to launch close range attacks and defenses against the red team. "The battlefield, battle, and situation are becoming increasingly close to actual combat." General Ma said, "This is exactly the result of the efforts of the Blue Army detachment." The new confrontation method has sparked heated discussions among the officers and soldiers of the detachment, but it has also made everyone look forward to what the Blue Army detachment will bring next time? Before the start of a collaborative sniper training, sniper Wu Yunlong did not expect that members of the Blue Army team would participate in the daily training by embedding the "opponent's perspective" into daily training and tactical research. "This is the clever use of 'Dynamic Blue Army'." A leader of the detachment said, "Most of the Blue Army team members are backbone members of various professions, and they can become 'Blue Army' at any time, construct scenes, and engage in red blue confrontation." Training is about to begin. Looking at several blue team members, Wu Yunlong felt pressure and said, "Which link will go wrong?" "They know everyone from the bottom." Wu Yunlong and several red team members bumped their heads and believed that the key was to try not to let the blue team discover him, while strictly preventing opponents from harassing and damaging him in key links. These judgments, Wu Yunlong felt that the general direction was correct. But after the confrontation began, he gradually felt something was off: there were no problems in the pre prepared stages. He was not surprised until he reached the observation point: a wall blocked the target tightly. Relying solely on the weapons and equipment carried by oneself cannot detect the enemy situation, let alone shoot at targets behind the wall. By communicating with teammates at other positions, Wu Yunlong realized that others were also unable to form effective shooting conditions due to the presence of walls. "How else are we going to fight?" After the training ended, Wu Yunlong was full of grievances. "Why should the goal be based on your own ideas?" "Did you conduct reconnaissance beforehand?" "Did you prepare for tiered firepower?" Faced with a series of questions from the blue team members, the red team members realized that the problem lies in fixed thinking! "Our role is like the catfish placed in a fish bowl." Zhu Jiahong, who led the Blue Army detachment, said, "The task assigned by the detachment is to constantly stir up and clear the imaginations in the minds of officers and soldiers." "The Blue Army actually provides an 'opponent's perspective.'" The leadership of the detachment has a clear idea: "Not only should we focus on organizing confrontations on a large scale, but we should also focus on daily training, constantly embedding the 'opponent's perspective' into the training ground, and promoting practical thinking and adaptability to penetrate into the blood of officers and soldiers through constantly posing new problems." Yang Tong, a member of the Blue Army detachment and a drone coach, deeply understands this. In the red blue confrontation, he found that some drone pilots on the red side did not pay much attention to combat formation and effective enemy avoidance in pursuit of signal transmission stability. So, he collaborated with snipers and focused on targeting the drone pilots, enhancing their awareness of battlefield survival in the repeated "defeats" of the Red Army's drone pilots. "The flexible embedding of Blue Army team members has led more and more officers and soldiers to rethink practical combat and recognize the 'enemy'." The leader of the detachment said, "The experience of 'setting questions' time and time again has also made the members of the Blue Army team start to think about problems at a higher level, continuously improve their training methods and tactics." After the' wall as a shield 'test, Zhu Jiahong led the sniper team to explore and practice how to' answer questions'. They use drones for reconnaissance, grasp the hidden position of the target, and then try to use anti material sniper rifles to carry out wall piercing attacks in "collaborative sniping", in order to achieve the goal. In order to remind officers and soldiers to "continue to work harder", "misidentification of eerie mines", and "incorrect operation in removing explosives", timely encountering some difficult problems... Through binoculars, members of the Blue Army team and professional coach for explosive search and disposal, Sui Zhenjun, closely observed the actions of the Red Army operator in removing explosives and kept a record of the problems discovered. This is a red and blue team confrontation set against the backdrop of actual combat. The simulated explosive disposal field set up by Sui Zhenjun on behalf of the blue side has been difficult for the search and disposal operators of multiple red teams due to the presence of multiple eerie mines, complex routes, and hidden locations where landmines are buried. Some operators have even been killed in action as a result. Watching multiple teams being blocked at the same stage, Sui Zhenjun muttered to himself, "Is the question too difficult?" This was not the first time Sui Zhenjun had asked such a difficult question. Because, according to the idea of the detachment leader, it is necessary to timely raise some such difficulties and remind officers and soldiers to "continue to work harder". Of course, Sui Zhenjun also knew in his heart that this difficulty was not due to the Red Army workers not knowing how to eliminate explosives, but rather because of the "large amount of questions". "The pressure is already high, let alone so many 'troubles' suddenly piled up in front of the officers and soldiers." Sui Zhenjun used to think the same way. However, the words of the detachment leader reminded him: "Will this situation occur during the operation? What would happen to the officers and soldiers if it happens?" Fortunately, there is a "solution" to the difficult problem. Sometimes, when the red blue confrontation becomes deadlocked due to the concentrated presentation of problems, on-site teaching begins. This time, in a simulated explosive disposal field, Sui Zhenjun led the backbone of the search and disposal workers to demonstrate how to quickly detect, distinguish, and remove hidden mines, integrated circuit explosives, etc. in combination with the terrain and topography, and organized everyone to undergo intensive training. While setting difficult "exam questions," with the support of the support of the support team, the Blue Army detachment has also made great efforts in setting true "exam questions.". According to the evaluation of the detachment leader, Wang Chao, a member of the Blue Army detachment and a pistol shooting coach, has taken a big step forward in this regard. Wang Chao found certain deficiencies in the use of ordinary moving targets during the training of the course "Shooting Moving Targets". This type of target has an adjustable forward speed, but its path is relatively fixed. Practicing it for a long time will make the shooter develop an inertial thinking of waiting for the target to reach a certain position before shooting. In this way, although the performance of officers and soldiers in shooting is good, its practical significance is not significant. Because in actual combat environments, violent terrorists, whether fleeing or counterattacking, are often in a state of rapid change of direction. Not long after, during a red blue confrontation training, the red team members encountered a new "target" - an active target manipulated by the blue team. This new target can be quickly moved and changed direction by placing a humanoid target on a remote-controlled vehicle and being operated by humans. "Setting the 'test question' is difficult and true, only through confrontation can it be meaningful." Under this train of thought, the Blue Army team constantly changed their tactics: in order to enhance the "identification and shooting" ability of officers and soldiers, the Blue Army team created "alternating targets" to present the operational environment of terrorists taking hostages. ——In order to strengthen the explosive disposal capabilities of officers and soldiers, the Blue Army team will pack "explosives" into daily necessities, so that operators must first use their brains when searching for explosive disposal. As the red blue confrontation deepens, the combat effectiveness of the detachment is also spiraling upwards. Confrontation is not simply a matter of "asking and answering", but rather a "comprehensive question". In a "bus anti hijacking" confrontation, the Red team once again encountered a new situation - the Blue team manipulated a crossing plane carrying explosives to rush straight towards the Red checkpoint, blew up the passage, and then drove the "hijacked" bus out of the obstruction circle. Prior to this, the blue side also modified the buses by replacing them with stronger glass, which prevented the red side from fully utilizing its previous means of attack. "If you pay a little attention, you will notice that there have been significant changes in the questions posed by the Blue Army team. Confrontation is not just a simple 'question and answer', but more of a 'comprehensive question'." A leader of the detachment said, "Especially the background setting of the questions is increasingly in line with the actual situation of economic and technological development, which forces the Red Party to face new situations and changes, and constantly come up with new overall solutions." It was also during this time that the Red Party resorted to tactics such as mixed attack convoys, drone remote targeting, and sniper targeted snipers to complete the "bus anti hijacking" operation. After training, a relatively mature set of "bus anti hijacking" tactics began to be promoted within the support team. "The role of 'grinding stone' is becoming increasingly significant, which is a testament to this." The leader said, "This is the result of the blue army team's continuous exploration and innovation." How to become a qualified "sharpening stone" for the red side? This is a question that the Blue Army team has been pondering. Nowadays, borrowing more from technology has become their new choice. The newly built shooting shelter provides convenient conditions for conducting red blue confrontation training. As members of the Blue Army team, Li Haili and her comrades sit in front of the computer and input instructions. They can display the task environment on the screen inside the shooting shelter and engage in interactive confrontations with the Red Army members trained in the shelter in a digital simulation of the Blue Army. The changes that have occurred in recent years have made Li Haili very emotional: "This process has made me truly feel the surge of practical training." Soon, the detachment will

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang er dong

Source:PLA Daily

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