Military enthusiasts use drones to capture high-definition footage of a new type of warship and are sentenced. These flight taboos cannot be ignored


The reporter learned from the Ministry of National Security that in recent years, the service scope of the drone industry has covered many fields such as agriculture, industry, and service, becoming a new trend and trend in mass consumption and entertainment. However, the increasing number of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) illegal aerial photography and testing activities, especially the "black flying" and "random flying" activities that disregard the no fly regulations, pose hidden dangers and risks to China's national security. The tragic cost of ignoring the law and discipline In recent years, the national security authorities have investigated and dealt with many cases of drone patrolling in violation of the law, photographing secret related facilities and sensitive parts, and transmitting and sharing them on the Internet. These illegal acts have caused hidden danger of losing and leaking secrets to our core military facilities and important geographical information, and the relevant personnel involved have therefore been subject to legal sanctions. ——Spy military information and illegally shoot important military facilities. In November 2021, Luo, a military forum enthusiast in China, illegally filmed a new type of warship using a drone with remote high-definition camera function in search of better conversation opportunities. He was discovered and investigated by national security agencies. After identification by relevant departments, the photos and videos taken by Luo involved 2 classified military secrets and 1 classified military secret. Finally, Luo was sentenced to 1 year in prison with a one-year probation for the crime of illegally obtaining state secrets. ——Peep into important areas and illegally collect sensitive geographic information. Liu, the person in charge of an important surveying and mapping project at a domestic aerial survey agency, used unmanned aerial vehicles with shooting functions in daily work without review or permission to conduct aerial surveys of key and confidential areas. He captured multi angle and high-resolution image information, collected and stored relevant high-precision aerial survey data, causing key technical security risks. He was investigated and dealt with by national security agencies in accordance with the law, and the risk of leakage was promptly eliminated. ——Unauthorized entry into restricted areas, unauthorized uploading and sharing of sensitive data. During a routine inspection project assigned by a certain company, employees Li and Zhang had a weak sense of discipline and law. Without applying or reporting to the local air traffic control center or other departments, they conducted a patrol and collected data from our military restricted area, and uploaded the data to online cloud drives and WeChat groups for sharing. After appraisal, it was found that Li and Zhang's illegal patrol, collection, and online sharing and transmission of military secrets have seriously endangered the security of our national defense and military secrets, constituting the crime of illegally obtaining state secrets, and have been criminally punished in accordance with the law. According to the Provisional Regulations on the Administration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight, it is prohibited to illegally take photos of military facilities, military industrial facilities, or other classified places using unmanned aerial vehicles; It is prohibited to illegally obtain or disclose state secrets, or illegally provide data information to overseas countries. As drone equipment users, they should comply with laws and regulations, regulate their own behavior, pay attention to no fly areas, and avoid illegal filming of classified places. ——No fly zone. The airspace set up to protect national security, important military facilities, special administrative areas, etc. is a no fly zone. Common no fly zones include airports and surrounding areas, military restricted zones, military control zones, nuclear facility areas, power plants, railway electrification lines, etc. ——No fly requirements. Without obtaining relevant permits and authorizations from the air traffic management agency, no one is allowed to take off drones in the no fly airspace, let alone engage in activities such as shooting, filming, surveying, and positioning in the no fly airspace. ——No fly responsibility. Violating the patrol of drones in the prohibited airspace will result in administrative penalties of warning and high fines, confiscation or destruction of drones; If accidents cause casualties or property damage, civil liability shall be borne; Take off in controlled airspace and pursue criminal responsibility in accordance with the law. "There are taboos in drone flight" - this is a basic knowledge that every drone device user must keep in mind. If the masses of the people find any suspicious clue of using UAVs to engage in activities endangering national security in the military restricted zone, military control zone and other areas, please timely report to the local national security authority through the 12339 national security organ reporting acceptance telephone, the online reporting platform (www.12339., the WeChat official account of the Ministry of National Security or directly report to the local national security authority. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

Source:CCTV news client

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