China's first human double standard water laboratory was established to use water as a medium to solve metabolic puzzles in the human body


"Middle age weight gain is not caused by metabolic decline," "The fatter you are, the harder it is to lose weight through exercise," and "Is the suggestion of eight cups of water a day scientific?" These topics have once sparked public discussion. Relevant research is related to the research carried out by the Double Standard Water Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Double Standard Water Laboratory). Recently, the laboratory was built in Shenzhen, which is the first human double standard water laboratory in China. It was led by John Roger Spikman, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the chief scientist of the Energy Metabolism and Reproduction Research Center of the Institute of Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Shenzhen Advanced Academy), and the chair professor of the School of Pharmacy of Shenzhen University of Technology. "There are not many double standard water laboratories in the world, and the establishment of China's first human double standard water laboratory is very exciting. This will enable people to measure more double standard water samples, study the basic mechanisms of energy metabolism, and understand the differences in double standard water measurement on a global scale." Alexia Alford, a nutrition expert at the International Atomic Energy Agency, commented. "The dual standard water laboratory in China will further reveal the laws of life through in-depth research on human metabolism, and provide scientific basis for developing precise nutrition strategies for humans," said Speckman. Double standard water technology is a technique that uses stable isotopes of deuterium and oxygen-18 to measure human energy consumption. In 1982, the dual standard water technology was first applied to humans. After years of research and development, the dual standard water technology is considered the "gold standard" for measuring human energy consumption in a state of free activity. Speckman was one of the earliest scientists in the world to participate in the study of double standard water. "Double standard water is not only expensive, but also requires highly sensitive and accurate isotope mass spectrometers and high-level analysts. It is not easy to establish an experimental platform that can fully prepare and analyze double standard water." Speckman said. In 2016, Zhang Xueying, an associate researcher at the Institute of Medicine of Shenzhen Advanced Hospital, followed Speckman to study double standard water technology and data analysis methods in the UK and Japan. In 2020, after Speckman joined Shenzhen Advanced Institute, the construction of China's first human double standard water laboratory was officially launched. This time, the implementation of dual standard water technology means that China has become one of the few countries to have dual standard water technology, following the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and other countries. Zhang Xueying introduced that the Shenzhen Shuangbiao Water Laboratory has an area of approximately 800 square meters and has the technical ability to accurately monitor human energy metabolism, exercise status, body composition, and cardiovascular health in real-time. "China is a populous country, but there is very little data on Double Standard Water," Speckman believes that the establishment of Shenzhen Double Standard Water Laboratory will greatly promote related research in China. The Report on the Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents (2020) shows that the overweight and obesity rates of urban and rural residents of all age groups in China are increasing, with over half of adult residents being overweight or obese. "As the number of obese individuals in China continues to increase, preventing the obesity epidemic has become crucial. The research team is actively establishing partnerships with relevant enterprises to study treatment methods for obesity." Speckman said. The team will also build the first human metabolic chamber system in Guangdong Province. After the system is put into use, it will provide support for clinical trials such as drug screening and efficacy evaluation. In the human metabolism chamber, volunteers can live for several days. We collect oxygen and carbon dioxide from the cabin and use a high-precision gas concentration analyzer to measure energy consumption in real time Speckman stated that "the combination of this system with dual standard water technology will open a unique window for our research." Since 2020, Speckman's team has published multiple important research papers based on dual standard water technology while improving laboratory construction. For example, for the first time, the metabolic patterns throughout the entire human life cycle have been revealed, breaking the traditional perception of a decrease in metabolic rate in the middle age and overturning people's previous understanding of water demand. Shenzhen Shuangbiao Water Laboratory is expected to promote relevant international scientific research cooperation. The researchers in the laboratory have opened training courses on double standard water technology, attracting scientists from Thailand, Japan, Brazil and other countries to come to Shenzhen to learn and explore double standard water technology. In the past, in order to use double standard water technology, we had to rely on the assistance of foreign laboratories. Now, we can independently complete double standard water sample analysis in China and attract scientists from other countries to study in China Zhang Xueying said that in the subsequent scientific research work, they plan to collaborate with other double standard water laboratories around the world to conduct data comparison and analysis experiments for specific studies, so as to make the research conclusions more accurate. (Lai Xin She)

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