Artillery Repair Technician Hou Jiaoyang: "Gold Coach" Brings out "Champion Apprentice"


In summer, the military training competition for a certain regiment position in the Xinjiang Military Region came to a close, and several soldiers gathered around an old soldier to cheer heartily. The veteran's name is Hou Jiaoyang, and he is a second level sergeant in the repair company of the regiment. In this competition, Hou Jiaoyang led his comrades to break three records and win the championship of nearly half of the team's repair courses. "Gold Coach" brings out "Champion Apprentice". For over 20 years in the field of artillery repair, Hou Jiaoyang has led a group of technical backbones, completed multiple repair tasks, and won multiple gold medals in the martial arts competition. Hou Jiaoyang is debugging the equipment. What is little-known about Xu Yinjuan's photo is that when this "gold medal coach" first came into contact with the artillery repair profession, he encountered a low point in his life. With low education, he faced complex circuit diagrams as if facing a "heavenly book". The unprecedented difficulties did not make him bow his head, but he chose to face them head-on. Hou Jiaoyang divided the entire circuit diagram into more than 30 simple diagrams, and noted the working principle of electrical components on each diagram. He marked the relevant circuit symbols with different colored pens, and wrote a thick stack in his notebook. During that time, he mustered up his energy to challenge the difficulties: during the day, he spent time studying equipment in the repair room and familiarizing himself with the circuit flow; At night, various materials filled his desk, and the lights stayed on until midnight. Hard work pays off to those who have a heart. Through continuous research and learning, Hou Jiaoyang's maintenance ability has been rapidly improved, and he can achieve a clear and accurate understanding of hundreds of artillery components. One year later, he was appointed as a coach in the maintenance profession by the team. Professional training for anti-aircraft guns has always been a challenge for this team's training. Since serving as a coach, Hou Jiaoyang has continuously optimized his teaching mode and improved his methods and methods. He uses assessment data as support, draws training and evaluation trend charts for students and soldiers by subject and classification, and provides precise training on a person by person and subject by subject basis, ensuring that officers and soldiers with good cultural foundations and fast progress can "eat their fill", while those with weak foundations and slow progress can "keep up". He timely provides supplementary training to officers and soldiers who do not meet the training standards, effectively improving the quality of teaching. In 2018, after multiple rounds of selection, Hou Jiaoyang became the coach of the participating team in the international military competition "Armory Expert". In order to help team members improve their artillery decomposition performance as soon as possible, he combined his past teaching experience and made artillery decomposition techniques into cards, which were sent to team members to carry with them for easy learning, memorization, and practical application. After a period of time, the team members showed a significant improvement in their training performance. During the competition, his group won the first place in the "Armory Expert" anti-aircraft artillery team, and Hou Jiaoyang became known as the "Gold Medal Coach" by the officers and soldiers. "To avoid being replaced by gold and silver medals, one must have a solid foundation." Although becoming a "gold medal coach", Hou Jiaoyang has always maintained a strong learning spirit and continuously improved his professional abilities. A few years ago, a new equipment was assembled into a unit, and Hou Jiaoyang led a research team to rivet at the vehicle gun factory. They dismantled parts, familiarized themselves with the structure, and studied professional theoretical knowledge. In just over a month, they became familiar with and mastered the technical and tactical performance of the new equipment, sorted out an efficient operation and maintenance process, and improved the equipment's self-supporting ability. "To forge iron, one must be hard on their own, and only first-class coaches can lead to first-class fighters." Now, Hou Jiaoyang's team is carrying out training support tasks. He bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities and served as a coach for the training team, leading everyone to work overtime to collect training data, solve the problem of anti-aircraft gun malfunctions and maintenance, and provide strong support for carrying out tasks. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Jia jia

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