Understanding and Constructing the Five Dimensions of Modern Chinese Civilization


Chinese path to modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation not only affect the prosperity, happiness and health of contemporary China, but also relate to how an ancient civilization with a history of more than 5000 years, after more than 180 years of suffering and struggle, finally realizes its modern transformation, and continues to become a civilization that can exert great influence worldwide in the present and future. Civilization and culture have intricate internal connections, but civilization is not equal to or limited to a single culture or cultural element. Without culture, civilization cannot be constructed naturally. Culture, especially its core values, is the spiritual core of a civilization. Its various material and non-material forms of expression are also rich resources that make up its own connotation. However, a civilization obviously transcends a culture, especially a culture element or cultural unit that can be analyzed. It is a cultural form with high levels, complex forms, rich connotations, and huge influence. Given the richness and difficulty in creating a civilization, especially modern civilization, we can understand and construct the modern civilization of the Chinese nation from the following five dimensions. The theoretical narrative of Chinese path to modernization is the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, which is the theoretical narrative of Chinese path to modernization, or the great transformation of our contemporary society. For over a hundred years, in order to break free from imperialist aggression and colonization, and to turn the tide of collapse, countless righteous individuals have sacrificed their lives and lived tirelessly, and the way shines brightly throughout history, ultimately freeing the Chinese nation from the danger of collapse. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the CPC put forward the great goal of realizing the "four modernizations", which opened the great voyage of China's modernization in an all-round way. Due to the constraints of history and reality, our initial blueprint for modernization was planned according to Soviet style socialism. Although we have made significant progress in the past 30 years, we have also been hindered to varying degrees by the rigidity of the Soviet model itself and the disconnection from China's reality. The most innovative greatness of the reform and opening up that began in 1978 lies in its breaking free from the shackles of the Soviet style modernization model or the rigid socialist planned economy, as well as the trap of capitalist countries represented by the United States, which are capital oriented and polarized. It has enabled China's modernization for over a hundred years to truly embark on an independent and independent path. This great practice has achieved countless great accomplishments in just over 40 years, enabling China, a country with a population of over 1.4 billion, to successfully move towards modernization and provide unique innovative experiences for world modernization. When Comrade Deng Xiaoping began this great transformation in 1978, he realized that in modernization construction, "we must start from the characteristics of China", that is, from the reality of a thin foundation and a large population, to build a "Chinese style modernization". Through theoretical and practical breakthroughs since the 18th CPC National Congress, our party has successfully promoted and expanded Chinese path to modernization. If we were more or less forced to choose a path different from the two modernization models of the United States and the Soviet Union at the beginning, or constrained by the objective national conditions, then in the new historical period more than 30 years later, this unique development path has become the active choice of the CPC and the Chinese people. After 1949, especially in the more than 40 years of reform and opening up, Chinese path to modernization has undoubtedly made great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. But so far, this earth shaking change still lacks a great narrative that can be matched - a systematic and profound theoretical narrative. If we consider the entire modern social science, including Western modernization theory, with Europe and America as the narrative axis, which was originally a discourse system based on a special social transformation, it only gained some universal significance with the modernization process starting from the West and advancing globally, we can understand how China's great transformation urgently needs to obtain some abstract or universal significance of theoretical narrative. Obviously, without corresponding explanatory theoretical narratives, we cannot achieve the necessary spiritual improvement of this great transformation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, this unprecedented transformation is at risk of becoming a mere economic growth or even GDP accumulation. It is in this sense that, against the background that we hope to create the modern civilization of the Chinese nation through this great transformation, the reform era has put forward the requirements for the whole humanities and social sciences to complete the theoretical narrative of Chinese path to modernization. The construction of an academic, disciplinary, and discourse system that can achieve this transformation not only depends on the objective significance of contemporary China's transformation, but also on our subjective consciousness in spirit. History requires us to independently express the social transformation and civilization choices experienced by the Chinese nation in the process of modernization through the theoretical advancement and academic practice of social sciences, in a way that can make the world understand and empathize with them. The ideological accumulation of the Chinese people's production and life practice is the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, which is the ideological accumulation of the Chinese people's production and life practice. If the formation of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation can only be achieved by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture, then this first combination requires us to uphold the basic position, views and methods of Marxism, go deep into the vast reality of Chinese path to modernization, and go deep into the production and living practices of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to observe, explain and refine. This observation, interpretation and refinement are the realistic basis of the above theoretical narrative of Chinese path to modernization. If any civilization is a product of human practice and creation, then without reflecting the production and living practices of over 1.4 billion people in the process of modernization, a truly rich rather than empty, emotional rather than abstract, vibrant rather than pale and powerless new form of civilization cannot be produced. Recalling the great history of revolution, construction and reform led by the CPC, we can understand that its essence is the history of promoting Chinese path to modernization, the history of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and the history of embodying and refining the production and living practices of the Chinese people. In terms of the reform and opening up over 40 years, whether from the initial implementation of the household contract responsibility system, the abolition of the people's commune system and the unified purchase and marketing of grain, to "break the iron rice bowl" to start the reform of the enterprise economic responsibility system and the transformation of the shareholding system, to try the market economy through the introduction of foreign enterprises, the establishment of the economic zone and the establishment of the stock market, or to the subsequent reform of the enterprise shareholding system, the development of Pudong, accession to the WTO, the establishment of the free trade zone (Hong Kong), and to promote the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", poverty alleviation and the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, all these trials and struggles clearly practice the logic that the market determines the allocation of resources and better play the role of the government from both theoretical and practical aspects. It has ensured the direction of modern socialist civilization of common prosperity. In this great transformation towards modernization, the Chinese people have created unprecedented material achievements and civilized landscapes through their own production and life practices while changing their own destiny. There has never been a nation in this world, like the Chinese nation, where hundreds of millions of people have moved from rural areas to cities in just a few decades, transitioning from their original agricultural traditions to the great tide of industrialization and modernization. Countless great creations have emerged in this great practice. For example, in the recent research on the oral history of new China's industrial construction, we put forward that industrialization is the core cornerstone of Chinese path to modernization, presenting a magnificent scene of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, township enterprises, individual enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. And such a scene of "five horses galloping" has never been seen in the history of human industrialization. It not only refreshes the history of industrial civilization, but also promotes or updates the degree to which theory is realized in a country. Fei Xiaotong once used Kaixian Gong Village in Wujiang as an example to discuss the supplementary significance of sericulture or household handicrafts to the small-scale farming economy of old China in "Jiang Village Economy". For this reason, after the reform and opening up, he has been calling for the promotion of township industry to achieve the ideal of "aiming to enrich the people". However, he never imagined that the great creation of rural enterprises by Chinese farmers would later produce countless great miracles. For example, in his hometown, there was a township enterprise that was once on the verge of collapse. After being restructured in the 1990s, it began to produce silk weaving; Based on the limited quantity of silk, switch to cotton spinning; Due to the fact that cotton spinning also relies on limited land resources, it has shifted towards the acrylic fiber or chemical fiber industry; Then, from acrylic fiber to the raw materials of acrylic fiber, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride; Finally, a 30000 acre integrated refining (oil) and chemical (industrial) processing base was established on Changxing Island in Liaoning Province, and its next ideal is to purchase oil tankers to transport crude oil from all over the world. If you consider that after just 30 years of development, the company's sales have reached 700 billion yuan by 2021, ranking 56th in the Fortune Global 500, you will realize that reality not only goes beyond Fei Xiaotong's desire for farmers to achieve basic livelihood, but also challenges German scholar Max Weber's assertion that China and even the entire East cannot generate rational capital accounting. Therefore, as the ideological accumulation of the Chinese people's production and life practice, the modern civilization of the Chinese nation under construction truly reflects that it is a great form of civilization that adheres to the principle of putting the people first, respects their subject status, and is created by the people themselves. Because it adheres to the principle of putting the people first, it will not deviate from the original intention of common prosperity for all people; Because it respects the status of the people as the main body, it inherits and transcends the traditional people-oriented concept; Because it is created by the people themselves, it is a truly dynamic form of modern civilization. The mode of promoting and abandoning traditional Chinese civilization is the mode of promoting and abandoning traditional Chinese civilization with a long history. A careful examination of the history of modern China reveals that for a considerable period of time, a great country that was beaten due to backwardness faced a polarized attitude of love and hate towards its traditional civilization in the face of modernization in the West. On the one hand, conservative figures, including the royalist party and the "cultural centric faction," held onto the dross of traditional culture and even the ethical principles of monarchs, ministers, and fathers. Even though they realized that industrialization was the path to the prosperity of Western civilization, they still adhered to the attitude of "the path of barbarians cannot be applied to China"; On the other hand, those radicals who went to "total westernization" from a series of failures, such as the progress of Western civilization and the Westernization Movement, the Sino Japanese War of 1898 and the Reform Movement of 1898, went to the other end of completely abandoning traditional culture and firmly believed that "everything is not clean". In fact, not only in the Chinese intellectual community, but also in the entire Western social science community until the 1950s, tradition and modernity were placed on an irreconcilable balance

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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