Doing small things well and painting "great happiness"


A branch and a leaf always care about emotions. Livelihood issues, regardless of their size, are closely related to the lives of the people. In recent years, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, has carried out ecological restoration on exposed coastal areas and damaged shorelines, and built about 28 kilometers of the Sunshine Coast Greenway, providing citizens and tourists with a good place for sports and leisure, and adding a touch of bright green to the happy life of the general public. The construction of urban greenways is not only related to the improvement of urban ecological environment, but also to the well-being of people. As an important measure for improving the ecological environment, greenways are not only green spaces that continuously grow and demonstrate ecological functions in urban construction, but also provide citizens with an accessible pastoral poetry in their busy lives. They also demonstrate the beauty of urban construction in a region, adding a vivid footnote to the beautiful life of the city. In the new era, the people have gone from "hoping for food and clothing" to "hoping for environmental protection", and from "seeking survival" to "seeking ecology", with unprecedented expectations and importance placed on a good ecological environment. In response to the earnest expectations of the people, in recent years, various regions have actively promoted greenway construction in accordance with the central government's decision to strengthen ecological civilization construction. The suburban roads of Fuzhou, Tianfu Greenway in Chengdu, Sunshine Coast Greenway in Rizhao, Donghu Greenway in Wuhan, Ring Greenway in Nanjing, and Zhijiang Greenway in Hangzhou... More and more greenways are adding radiance to natural landscapes and cultural landscapes, allowing people to coexist harmoniously with the city and nature. They are empowering urban development with the unique function of "ecological displays", enhancing the vitality of urban development, and telling vivid stories of urban ecological construction. It can be said that the more beautiful ecology, better environment, and more vibrant tourism have become vivid portrayals of greenway construction in some regions. The city is the city of the people, and the people's city is for the people. The construction of greenways reflects the development concept of putting the people at the center, condenses the dedication to serving and benefiting the people, and lays out the future blueprint of green development and shared development. In some urban greenways, citizens take walks, ride bikes, climb mountains, chat, watch the shimmering lake, or appreciate the beauty of the sea and sky... Walking through the mountains and rivers, they can see the mountains, the water, and remember their homesickness. Each greenway has become a "happy path" for people's daily lives. In Guilin, he reminded that "the most important thing is to take good care of the beautiful scenery here"; In Hanzhong, he praised the Tianhan Wetland Park as a "happiness park" for citizens... The greenway is silently improving people's well-being, reflected in the ordinary lives of millions of people. Whether it is as a manifestation of improving the ecological environment or increasing people's well-being, greenway construction demonstrates that persistently focusing on practical issues related to people's livelihoods from subtle aspects is a necessary measure to gain the support and support of the masses. To ensure the well-being of the people, we must not only focus on long-term benefits and laying a foundation, but also start from the details and focus on the "small things" that are related to the practical needs of the people. Whether it is investment scale, regional area, or influence, greenway construction is difficult to compare with major projects and projects, and the construction effect is not immediate. However, for the masses, it can bring tangible happiness. The imagination and expectations of the masses for a happy life are subtle and specific. A convenient elevator for going up and down, a street light that illuminates the night, a refreshed alley, a convenient and fast charging station, and so on, can inadvertently make residents feel the beauty of life. Children can attend a good school nearby, elderly people have a good retirement environment, and patients can enjoy good medical resources... Meeting these demands can make the public truly experience the joy of sharing the results of reform, and even see hope in life. There is no best way to improve people's livelihoods, only better. In the future, we must take a long-term attitude and keep the well-being of the people in mind. We will implement our work for the people in detail and persistently respond to the new expectations of the people. We will work one thing after another, year after year, presenting tangible and visible facts to the people, demonstrating the effectiveness, warmth, and intensity of our work, and lighting up a happier day for the people. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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