Surrounding tours and "new Chinese style" folk tourism have become the main force, and the consumption of cultural and tourism during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is heating up again


"During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, we are going to see the Loong Boat with our family and take our children to learn about the folk stories behind the Dragon Boat Festival." Ms. Wu in Shanghai has made travel arrangements for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is approaching, and cultural and tourism markets in various regions continue to be hot. Surrounding tours during the holiday and "New Chinese style" folk tours have become the travel choices of many tourists. The reporter learned from multiple online travel platforms that the overall Dragon Boat Festival tourism market this year has shown a combination of local and peripheral tourism, as well as folk tourism. According to Meituan data, as of June 1st, the number of cultural and tourism bookings during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday has increased by nearly 70% year-on-year; According to Ctrip data, the pre order volume of domestic peripheral tours during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday increased by 20% year-on-year; According to data from Tongcheng, the popularity of ticket bookings from central cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou to surrounding small cities has increased by more than twice compared to normal days; Tiktok data shows that the orders for wine, travel and catering in several Loong Boat races have risen significantly; According to data from Mafengwo, the popularity of "where to play during the Dragon Boat Festival" has increased by 166% month on month in the past week. Due to the limited duration of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, peripheral tourism has become a popular choice for more tourists, and visiting neighboring provinces and cities has become a norm. "The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is only three days long, so I don't have time to fly to Altay. Instead, I have planted the recommended" Little Altay "by netizens in various places, such as Qingdao Wheat Island Park, which has slopes, oceans, and lawns. When preparing for a short and long vacation, I will first experience the" Altay Fentai "in Qingdao." said tourist Li Jing. Many "Altai Pingti" have been discovered by netizens, such as Mount Siguniang in western Sichuan and the Bashang Grassland in Hebei. "Altai Fentai" has become a popular short distance travel destination during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. Flying pig data shows that from the perspective of destination selection, Deyang, Chenzhou, Kaifeng, Jingdezhen, Zhaoqing, Shaoxing, Mount Huangshan, Shangrao, Bortala, Jieyang and other "black horse destinations" are growing fastest; As of now, the latest booking data from Tuniu shows that tourism product bookings for destinations such as Anji, Deqing, Tonglu, Wuyuan, Pingtan, Liyang, Xiapu, Chun'an, Yixing, Altay, etc. are popular. During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, young users pay attention to various "new Chinese style" trips that deeply experience Chinese history and culture, such as the visit to the history museum, the experience of watching the Loong Boat race, the experience of intangible cultural heritage, the experience of clocking in historical and cultural scenic spots, and the experience of making up Han costumes. "The dragon boat picks up quickly, this year is a good world." In Dongguan, Guangdong, the "dragon boat" has become a national intangible cultural heritage, and the atmosphere of Loong Boat is warm. Many tourists want to go to the scene to enjoy the Loong Boat race, feel the warm atmosphere of the race and the cultural heritage of "intangible cultural heritage on water". In addition, many small cities and counties such as Yichang in Hubei Province, Teng County in Guangxi Province, Yizheng in Jiangsu Province, Dao County in Hunan Province have successively launched the Loong Boat race, adding a strong festive atmosphere to the local area, and gradually becoming the characteristic business card of local cultural tourism. In the traditional festival of Dragon Boat Festival, which has a strong folk flavor, the consumption needs of tourists are increasingly focused on the deep experience and exploration of folk culture, which brings opportunities for many small cities to expand their cultural and tourism consumption. Many traditional cultural experiences that are rare to see in big cities have attracted many tourists, especially young tourists. They are more enthusiastic about experiencing the customs and habits of different regions firsthand, delving deeper into regional history and culture, and enriching their travel experience. Industry insiders say that the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, as the starting point of the summer tourism boom, will effectively promote the rapid growth, scale expansion, and quality improvement of tourism consumption in various regions, laying a solid foundation for the summer peak season of the cultural and tourism industry in various regions, and playing a leading role in exploring new paths. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

Source:People's Daily

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