Iceland Elects Second Female President


Iceland held a presidential election on June 1st, and preliminary vote results released on June 2nd showed that a businesswoman named Hadra Tomasdottir defeated former Prime Minister Catherine Jacobsdottir and other competitors to win the election. Thomas Dotil will become Iceland's second female president. Jacob Stottir resigned from his position as Prime Minister in April and announced his candidacy for the presidential election. Pre election polls show that among the dozen or so candidates, three women are the most popular, with Jacobs and Thomas having similar approval ratings, followed closely by environmental and energy industry expert Hara Logadotier. The urban scenery of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, was captured on June 30, 2013. According to the preliminary vote count released by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Jiang on the 2nd, Thomas Dotil received 34.3% of the vote, while Jacob Dotil ranked second with 25.2% of the vote. On the 2nd, Jacob Stottel admitted his defeat and congratulated Thomas Stottel: "It seems that Thomas Stottel will soon become the next President of Iceland. I congratulate her, I know she will be a good President." Thomas Stottel is 55 years old and has worked in the business world for many years. He has founded an investment company and is currently the CEO of a non-governmental organization. Iceland has a population of nearly 400000, with approximately 270000 registered voters. The President is elected directly by the people and serves a term of 4 years, with the option to be re elected. Current President Goodney Johansson was elected in 2016 and previously announced that he would no longer seek a third term. Thomas Dotier is scheduled to take office on August 1st. Iceland is a parliamentary country, with the majority of executive power held by a government led by the Prime Minister. The President primarily assumes ceremonial duties, but has the power to veto bills that will be passed or to submit bills to a referendum for decision. Thomas Dotil will become the second female president in Iceland's history. Vygdis Finboadotil was elected president in 1980, becoming Iceland's first female president since independence in 1944 and the world's first democratically elected female president. She was re elected three times thereafter and resigned in 1996. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Yi Jing    Responsible editor:Li Nian


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