Which dishes are sweetened "assassins"? People who control sugar and lose weight should be careful


I don't know if you have noticed the recent trend of adding more sugar to food and beverage. Whether it's going to restaurants or cafeterias, there is the same trend. A chef also told me that his colleagues have been increasingly fond of adding sugar to dishes recently. Because no matter what cuisine, it seems that as long as some sugar is added to salty dishes, the taste becomes richer and more popular among diners. While reducing sugar and sugar free are popular in beverages, snacks, and pastries, a large amount of sugar is added to dishes and staple foods. This matter is concerning. Especially for those who often feast, order takeout, and buy staple food, it is not a good thing to eat a lot of sugar from food and beverage products every day. Do you often eat these high sugar dishes too? 1. Most of the most popular dishes nowadays require a lot of sugar. Sweet and sour ribs, sweet and sour sirloin, fish flavored shredded pork, Kung Pao chicken, Sweet and sour fillet, cola chicken, Braised pork belly in brown sauce, Sweet and sour pork meat, litchi meat, West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce, Stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs, braised eggplant, Zhaoshao chicken chops, Thai chicken balls, Orleans grilled wings... There is always one you like. When grilling chicken or meat, sugar is often added during pickling. Because after adding sugar, the taste and color of the food roasted are heavier and more enticing. 3. Sugar is added to pickles and Pickled vegetables. Because after doing so, the same amount of salt will not appear so salty, and then you will eat more. Sweet sauce is very popular. When dishes need to be paired with sauce, sweet pasta sauce, tomato sauce, plum sauce, mayonnaise, thousand island sauce, honey mustard sauce, satcha sauce, etc. are also slightly sweet. 5. Japanese and Korean style side dishes are mostly sweet. Korean kimchi and seaweed, Japanese seaweed, and Japanese and Korean style mashed potatoes are all sweet. 6. The staple food has also been captured by sugar. Some brands of noodles are popular because they contain sugar. The coarse grain Mantou is sweet, the Xiaowotou is sweet, the red bean roll with nuts is sweet, and the corn cake is also sweet. The faint sweetness, especially when it makes people relax their guard, thinking that it is just a healthy staple food, and not feeling that it is actually very close to sweets. How much sugar do we accidentally eat in our daily lives? 5% sugar cannot provide satisfactory sweetness, while 8% sugar is highly popular and considered delicious. As for biscuits, Dim sum and other foods, 15% -20% sugar should be added if people want to eat them with normal sweetness. There is sugar in soy sauce and sugar in cooking wine, but adding one spoonful of cooking wine and two spoonfuls of soy sauce will still limit the total amount of sugar, so there is no need to be afraid. Adding extra sugar to the chef's spoon is the scariest thing. If you eat 300 grams of sugary vegetables and 200 grams of light sweet staple food (cooked heavy) with sugar every day, you can easily eat at least 30 grams of sugar. The dietary guidelines for Chinese residents and the World Health Organization both suggest that it is best to control the amount of added sugar within 25 grams per day, and not exceed 50 grams at most. Now that we have sugar added dishes, the 25 gram share has already exceeded. In this context, we should be even more cautious when drinking beverages, and it is best not to mix them with drinks or sweets. 100 grams of yogurt is 8 grams of sugar, plus a loaf of bread and an ice cream, the limit of 50 grams is also exceeded. What are the harms of adding sugar to dishes on a large scale? 1. Introduction

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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