Wrong sleeping posture makes waking up more tiring! Have you been hit by these bad sleeping postures?


Have you ever, after a busy day at work, eagerly jumped into the bed, raised your hands high, as if surrendering to the bed, enjoying that moment of relaxation and freedom? This sleeping position, jokingly referred to by netizens as the "surrender style", can indeed bring us a sense of physical and mental comfort in a short period of time. But you know what? Maintaining this sleeping position for a long time may have some negative effects on our health. Let's take a closer look at the hidden risks behind this seemingly harmless sleeping position. The surrendering sleeping posture is alert to these three situations. When we lie in bed exhausted and raise our hands above our heads, there is a possibility of shoulder impingement, supraspinatus muscle ischemic injury, and quadrilateral foramen syndrome. The term shoulder impact may associate it with intense sports competitions, but in reality, it is more about a situation of our shoulder anatomy. Simply put, shoulder impingement is when certain structures in our shoulders are compressed in the "subacromial gap". The term "subacromial space" sounds like a valley, but in reality, it is formed by the space between the acromial structure of the scapula and the greater tuberosity structure of the humerus. When we lift our arms up, the greater tuberosity of the humerus also moves upwards, which may narrow the "valley" and cause certain structures of the shoulder, especially the supraspinatus tendon and the descending capsule of the acromion, to be impacted. When we adopt a "surrender" sleeping position, our arms will continue to be lifted, which may lead to shoulder impingement. Moreover, if your shoulder shape is curved or hooked, the risk of shoulder impact may further increase. Long term shoulder impact may cause damage to the supraspinatus muscle, leading to shoulder pain and even affecting normal arm movement. Ischemic injury to the supraspinatus muscle, as an important muscle in the shoulder, can have a significant impact in this situation. If the arm is in an upward position for a long time and happens to have poor shoulder peak structure, it may be compressed, further leading to blood supply obstruction and resulting in ischemic damage to the supraspinatus muscle. Over time, this may ultimately lead to functional damage to the supraspinatus muscle. In this situation, you may experience shoulder pain, limited arm mobility, and in severe cases, it may affect your daily life. Raising hands high in quadrilateral foramen syndrome may not only cause shoulder impingement and supraspinatus muscle ischemic injury, but also trigger a condition known as quadrilateral foramen syndrome. This "quadrilateral hole" is not a common hole in our daily lives, but an important anatomical structure located in the shoulder, surrounded by the outer edge of the long head of the teres minor, teres major, triceps brachii, and the surgical neck of the humerus. There is axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery passing through this quadrilateral foramen. If we hold our arms high for a long time, it may compress them, leading to quadrilateral foramen syndrome. The symptoms of this syndrome may include shoulder pain, weakened shoulder abduction and external rotation, and even muscle numbness and sensory abnormalities. To avoid the above three situations, you can do this. After understanding the problems that may arise from the "surrendering" sleeping position, we may start to think about what to do to prevent these problems? Firstly, for the shoulder peak

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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