Spring Festival holiday socializing with many liver protection tips for you


During the Spring Festival, gatherings with family and friends come one after another, and it is inevitable to have big fish and meat, drink and socialize. The liver surgery experts at Peking Union Medical College Hospital remind that in these difficult times, it is also important to take good care of the liver. Pan Xinwei, a teaching teacher in the Department of Hepatology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, introduced that after alcohol enters the human body, it needs to undergo liver metabolism, during which acetaldehyde is produced. Acetaldehyde is a toxic substance that can cause damage to liver cells, leading to abnormal liver function. Long term alcoholism can even lead to liver cirrhosis. The Chinese Dietary Guidelines for Residents (2022) state that children, adolescents, pregnant women, lactating women, and patients with chronic diseases should not drink alcohol. If healthy adults drink alcohol, the amount of alcohol they drink in a day should not exceed 15 grams, about 50 degrees of Baijiu should not exceed half a dozen, and beer should not exceed one bottle. Some people believe that drinking "liver protection tablets" after drinking can achieve liver protection effects. Regarding this, Du Shunda, Deputy Director of the Liver Surgery Department at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, stated that the liver is an important detoxifying organ in the human body, and most drugs need to be metabolized through the liver, including "liver protecting tablets". Therefore, people with normal liver function do not need to take medication to protect their liver. "For people whose liver function has already been damaged, medication is three parts toxic. When taking it, it is even more important to strictly follow medical advice, confirm the usage, dosage, frequency, etc. of the medication, and do not take excessive doses, otherwise it is easy to cause drug-induced liver damage." Du Shunda said that currently, there are over 1000 drugs that can cause drug-induced liver damage. Therefore, do not take liver protection tablets with unknown drug ingredients on your own, as this may actually further harm the liver. At the same time, faced with the hometown flavor during the Spring Festival, many people inevitably eat an extra bowl, and with snacks, milk tea, etc., some people have successfully achieved the goal of gaining three pounds every Spring Festival. Experts remind that in addition to excessive alcohol consumption, overeating can also easily burden the liver. Liu Fang, the head nurse of the Department of Hepatology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said that the liver, as the largest digestive gland in the human body, undertakes important functions such as metabolism, storage, and synthesis of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins. A high-fat, high sugar, and excessive diet can increase the burden on the liver, and over time, it can lead to the accumulation of fat in the liver, forming fatty liver. Liu Fang reminds that excessive drinking, overeating, nutritional imbalance, and blind medication can all harm the liver. During the Spring Festival, it is not advisable to eat big fish and big meat. "Faced with the temptation of Spring Festival cuisine, everyone still needs to control it reasonably, eat delicately and healthily, in order to take good care of 'little heart liver'." (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Wangchen    Responsible editor:Yi Yi


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