Li Qiang Holds a New Year Symposium with Foreign Experts and Ding Xuexiang Attends


On the occasion of the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday, Premier Li Qiang of the State Council warmly met with representatives of foreign experts who won the 2023 Chinese Government Friendship Award and worked in China at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of February 4th, and had discussions and exchanges with them. Vice Premier of the State Council Ding Xuexiang attended. Li Qiang extends New Year greetings and sincere greetings to foreign experts and relatives, thanking everyone for their long-term concern and support for China's development and construction, and carefully listening to the opinions and suggestions of experts on China's development and government work. Experts from Switzerland, Germany, Brazil, South Korea, Thailand, Russia and other countries gave speeches on scientific and technological innovation cooperation, green development, and talent cultivation. Li Qiang pointed out that foreign experts have played an important role in promoting China's economic and social development and promoting exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries. In the practice of participating in China's development, everyone has put in a lot of effort and sweat, making positive contributions and realizing their aspirations and values in life. China is comprehensively promoting the construction of Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development. Both now and in the future, China is a hot land of development full of opportunities, which will provide a broad world for foreign experts and other talents to start businesses. Li Qiang emphasized that China's development is open, and we welcome talents from all over the world with an open embrace. It is hoped that foreign experts will continue to deeply participate in China's development, fully display their talents on the big stage of Chinese path to modernization, and at the same time continue to serve as a bridge for communication between China and the world. The Chinese government will continue to optimize relevant policies, further facilitate personnel exchanges, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and other rights, and create a better environment for talents from various countries to work and live in China. Wang Yi, Wu Zhenglong, and Chen Yiqin attended. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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