Ginseng, American ginseng, and Ganoderma lucidum have been included in the list of registered raw materials, facilitating the entry of traditional Chinese medicinal materials into the channel of health food


Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation, in conjunction with the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, released the "Catalogue of Health Food Raw Materials Ginseng", "Catalogue of Health Food Raw Materials Western Ginseng", "Catalogue of Health Food Raw Materials Lingzhi" and supporting interpretation documents. Ginseng, Western ginseng, and Lingzhi are included in the list of health food filing raw materials (hereinafter referred to as the raw material directory), and their raw material names and variety sources are consistent with the content under the same variety items in the current Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China. Ginseng, as a precious traditional Chinese medicinal herb in China, has a long cultivation time, low survival rate, and high nutritional value, and has always been known as the "King of Herbs". American ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum are also two commonly used Chinese medicinal materials. With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's health awareness, the demand for traditional supplements such as ginseng is constantly increasing, and the number of health food products made from ginseng and other raw materials is increasing. What does it mean for relevant departments to publish three raw material catalogs? What impact will it bring to the traditional Chinese medicine industry? What changes have been made to the regulatory approach for products registered with traditional Chinese medicinal materials? Accelerating the listing of Chinese herbal medicine raw materials and health foods. Chinese herbal medicine is the source of the traditional Chinese medicine industry chain. Through various forms of deep processing, products made from traditional Chinese medicine have become increasingly diverse. In addition to the traditional traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations and Chinese herbal pieces, in recent years, Chinese herbal medicines have been more and more widely used in health food, special medical formula products, and common food with the same origin of medicine and food. "The inclusion of three varieties of traditional Chinese medicinal materials in the list of registered raw materials for health food has set a precedent for traditional Chinese medicinal materials to be used unilaterally in registered products. This will greatly improve the speed of research and development of health food using traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and mean that traditional Chinese medicine, as the most distinctive and advantageous' China Plan 'in the field of health food in China, will accelerate its progress." Dong Zhengqi, a researcher at the Institute of Medicinal Plants of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, said in an interview with Science and Technology Daily that Chinese medicinal materials have entered the list of health food raw materials for the first time, indicating that the country's approval policies for health food are more relaxed, and the market's tolerance for health food is greater. This is a powerful measure to promote the' dual track 'management of health food registration and registration. ". Ginseng, American ginseng, and Ganoderma lucidum are common Chinese medicinal materials in health foods. Previously, the production of health foods containing such traditional Chinese medicinal materials required registration with the State Food and Drug Administration, which took a long time and had a registration validity period of only 5 years. After being officially included in the raw material catalog, health foods made from ginseng, American ginseng, and lingzhi can adopt a filing system, which means that enterprises only need to submit materials to the provincial food and drug supervision and management department for filing. This will help businesses reduce costs and save funds and time for new product development. Xiao Wei, a researcher at Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, said that the current Food Safety Law stipulates that health food implements a "dual track system" of filing and registration approval. Health food raw materials and health functions are subject to directory management. The raw material directory defines the channels for registration and filing, and those included in the raw material directory can be directly filed. This means that products made from these three traditional Chinese medicinal materials can be directly registered as health products, accelerating the launch of high-quality products and better meeting the needs of consumers. However, traditional Chinese medicine is used for

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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