China's high-quality economic development is starting from a "new" perspective


In 2023, the container throughput of Shanghai Port exceeded the 49 million TEU mark, ranking first in the world for the 14th consecutive year. This shows that Shanghai's functions as an international shipping center are constantly improving, and the global shipping resource allocation capacity is constantly improving. The cargo throughput of Chinese ports is constantly developing and upgrading at a growth rate of about 4%. Faced with huge market demand, the development of Chinese ports is constantly transforming towards high efficiency and intelligence. Relying on new technologies to empower, shape new formats, and create a new pattern, China's high-quality economic development is starting from a new perspective. New technologies have provided new impetus for the high-quality development of the Chinese economy. The unlimited choices brought about by economic globalization are constantly sprouting demand, and the international market is being connected by containers. Taking Shanghai Port as an example, as an important hub for global trade, the introduction of new technologies not only improves its container throughput, but also enhances the endogenous power of the industrial and supply chains. Compared to traditional docks, automated docks that have applied new technologies can not only achieve full process automation of container loading and unloading, horizontal transportation and other processes, but also effectively reduce labor costs, improve operational efficiency and safety level of docks. Moreover, the adoption of artificial intelligence has greatly improved the efficiency of intelligent decision-making in the supply chain, accelerated its own response to market changes, and improved the comprehensive benefits of the port area's society, economy, and environment. The continuous application of new technologies is providing strong support for the transition of traditional Chinese ports to smart ports. From January to November 2023, the total cargo throughput of ports in China reached 15.51 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 8.4%. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation, and the Internet of Things are constantly adding endogenous impetus to the development of port trade, stabilizing the key position of China's industrial and supply chains in international trade. Domestic trade enhances the overall efficiency of the industrial chain through smoother circulation, intelligent management, and services; Foreign trade utilizes port digitization to improve the access and service capabilities of overseas markets, and enhance the competitiveness of international trade. This has led to the emergence of a large number of new business models with the support of new technologies, providing more possibilities for China's economic development. The continuous application of new technologies provides new impetus for the high-quality development of the Chinese economy and continuously unleashes its strong potential. New technologies shape new formats and provide new engines for the high-quality development of the Chinese economy. The organic integration of current port and other industrial functions has led to rapid growth of port trade, helping ports achieve innovation in service models and formats. New business models such as "port+manufacturing", "port+e-commerce", and "port+supply chain" are gradually taking shape, providing new engines for the development of port economy. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, the import and export volume of cross-border e-commerce in the first three quarters of 2023 reached 1.7 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.4%, accounting for 5.5% of the proportion of goods trade import and export during the same period. New forms of business such as cross-border e-commerce and digital trade are fully utilizing the port's cargo transportation function, continuously activating international distribution, circulation processing, and efficient customs clearance services, transforming ports from simple logistics nodes to comprehensive supply chain service centers. New formats of business

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:WeiZe

Source:guangming net

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