Building a flexible and diverse inclusive childcare service system


Building an inclusive childcare service system is an important measure to reduce the burden of family upbringing. In recent years, with the support and guidance of the government, the infrastructure construction, professional training, and service quality improvement of China's infant and toddler daycare market have steadily advanced. The new forms of daycare services are becoming more and more perfect, and the development of market scale is accelerating comprehensively. As of the end of 2022, there are approximately 75000 childcare service institutions in China, providing 3.5 million childcare facilities. The number of childcare facilities for infants and young children under 3 years old per thousand population has increased from 1.8 in 2020 to 2.5 in 2022, which to some extent meets the needs of families for childcare. Currently, influenced by changes in parenting concepts and increasing demand for childcare, the 0-3-year-old infant and toddler care service market in China is facing new development opportunities. Childcare consumption has become a necessity for many families, and the market potential for affordable services is enormous. The 14th Five Year Plan for Public Services clearly states that by 2025, there will be 4.5 childcare facilities for infants and young children under the age of 3 per thousand people. At present, there is still a certain gap between the actual situation and the target. According to survey data from the National Health Commission, taking Beijing as an example, in 2022, 76% of households with infants and young children aged 0 to 3 have a need for childcare, but the existing childcare spaces can only meet 6% to 7% of the needs. At present, childcare service institutions in China mainly include full day care, half day care, timed care, and temporary care, which are divided into two categories: public and private. The in-depth analysis and development strategy research report on the current situation of China's infant and toddler daycare market (2023-2030) shows that currently, public daycare institutions account for 40.9%, private daycare institutions and community daycare institutions account for 23.5% and 20.8% respectively, while other daycare institutions account for 14.8%. The market share of work unit daycare institutions and door-to-door daycare services is relatively small. Many childcare institutions are in their early stages, mainly small and micro enterprises, with insufficient risk resistance, difficulty in reducing costs, unstable student sources, weak stress resistance, and difficulty in building trust, which are common problems. Currently, multiple measures must be taken simultaneously to accelerate the construction of an inclusive childcare system. One is to scientifically guide the transformation or merger of kindergartens. Kindergartens that have difficulty recruiting students and are interested in providing childcare services can be guided to transform as a whole into childcare institutions. Strengthen policy coordination, appropriately extend education funds and related policies during the transition period, improve the enthusiasm for institutional restructuring, and achieve a smooth transition and restructuring; After the transitional period of transformation, it will operate completely according to the management of childcare institutions. Strengthen resource coordination, transfer part of the financial funds originally used to subsidize inclusive kindergartens to subsidize inclusive childcare institutions, and promote and support the establishment of childcare classes in kindergartens. The second is to coordinate and promote the construction of integrated childcare. The service needs and facilities for 2-3 year old children are not significantly different from those of 3-6 year old children, and the service recipients have good continuity and resource reuse. Public resources for childcare services aged 0-6 should be uniformly planned and allocated, and pilot exploration should be carried out in areas with excess kindergarten degrees. Transforming into an integrated childcare institution with a focus on private inclusive kindergartens, expanding its business to children under 3 years old through the establishment of "kindergarten within the kindergarten" and organizing daycare classes. Strengthening the leadership system and top-level design of integrated childcare construction, optimizing childcare

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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