Did you eat the right goji berries soaked in a thermos?


Soaking goji berries in a thermos has become a symbol for many people to start maintaining their health. Indeed, goji berries, as a precious Chinese medicinal herb with the same medicinal and edible origin, have a long history and are well-known both domestically and internationally. As early as in the "Shennong Materia Medica Classic", goji berries have been listed as top-grade. Goji berries contain various amino acids, as well as special nutrients such as betaine, zeaxanthin, and acid red pigment. They have the effects of tonifying the kidneys, nourishing the liver, moistening the lungs, and brightening the eyes. However, this goji berry, which has health benefits all year round, can easily cause side effects if eaten too casually. Today, please follow the pharmacist into the world of goji berries. The small and effective goji berries, also known as goji berries or red eardrops, are the dry and mature fruits of Ningxia goji berries, a plant in the Solanaceae family. According to the "Shennong Bencao Jing", "Goji berries can strengthen muscles and bones, withstand cold and heat, lighten the body and not age, and are the top grade in traditional Chinese medicine." The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that "Goji berries are sweet and smooth, with nourishing properties... they can tonify the kidneys, moisten the lungs, produce essence, and nourish qi. This is a medicine for calming and tonifying.". Goji berries have immune regulation, anti-aging, anti-tumor, anti fatigue, anti radiation damage, regulating blood lipids, lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, protecting the reproductive system, improving vision, improving respiratory disease resistance, beautifying and nourishing the skin, protecting the liver, and enhancing hematopoietic function. This is the real estate area of goji berries. It should be noted that the pharmacopoeia records the use of "Ningxia goji berries" as a medicinal herb. The main production areas include Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Hebei, with Zhongning in Ningxia as the real estate area. Here are a few recommended methods to distinguish the quality of goji berries. Distinguishing fresh goji berries by color varies depending on their place of origin, but the color is soft, shiny, and the flesh is plump; The dyed goji berries are mostly aged products from previous years. From a sensory perspective, their meat quality is poor and lacks luster, but their appearance is very bright and attractive. Therefore, when buying goji berries, it is important not to be greedy for "color". The tip of a normal goji berry is mostly yellow or white, and the entire dyed goji berry is red. Even the small white dots on the stem of the goji berry are red, while those roasted with sulfur are bright red. It is recommended that when choosing goji berries, you can put more than ten goji berries into water. The normal color is orange (light yellow) and there is a small amount of flocculent material floating. If it does not fade, it indicates that the wolfberry is fumigated with sulfur, as sulfur is insoluble in water; If red appears, it indicates that the pigment has been used. Traditionally, it is believed that goji berries produced in the Zhongning area of Ningxia are the best for distinguishing their characteristics. Most of its fruits have small white dots on one end - stalk marks. The floating rate of goji berries in water is much higher than that of goji berries from other regions. The goji berries in Zhongning are not very big, and even in high humidity and heat, they are not easy to regain moisture and clump, making them easy to store. In some areas, goji berries are large in size, high in sugar content, and prone to clumping due to high humidity and heat. Prolonged storage can cause discoloration and difficulty in preservation, resulting in loss of nutritional value. Therefore, when selecting goji berries, do not try to make them too sweet. To distinguish the smell of wolfberries that have been fumigated with sulfur, simply grab a handful and cover it with both hands for a while, then put it under your nose to smell. If you can smell the pungent smell, it can be confirmed that they have been fumigated with sulfur. Judging from the taste, Ningxia goji berries are sweet, but after eating, there is a slight bitterness in the throat, and in some places, goji berries are too sweet to be greasy. Chewing goji berries soaked in alum

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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