No matter how cold it is, we still need to open the window for ventilation


The blue warning for strong winds, orange warning for blizzards, and orange warning for road icing are coming in groups, and many people choose cats at home. It is actually a wrong practice to close doors and windows tightly in order to avoid giving cold air a chance! Long term airtightness and lack of ventilation can cause poor indoor air circulation and pose certain risks to physical health. But if the windows are opened too large, the interior will quickly cool down. How to handle opening windows for ventilation in winter? Experts from the Environmental Sanitation Institute of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention are here to share with you the techniques of opening windows for ventilation in severe winter. There are many benefits to keeping windows open for ventilation in a closed indoor environment, which can easily lead to the growth of bacteria and increase the risk of human infection. Winter is a high season for respiratory infectious diseases. Opening windows for ventilation can effectively reduce the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in the room, improve indoor air quality, reduce the content of chemical pollutants, and lower the concentration of indoor carbon dioxide. In addition, the ultraviolet rays in sunlight also have an auxiliary bactericidal effect. Seizing the timing and ventilation is important. Opening windows is also a matter of timing. If you don't open them when you should, it can easily lead to health risks. If you open them when you shouldn't, it can easily catch a cold. How can opening a window prevent catching a cold? Experts from the Environmental Sanitation Institute of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention have given the answer. Come and copy the homework quickly. In the morning, the indoor air oxygen content decreases, and when making the bed, dust mites and dandruff fly randomly. The room urgently needs ventilation. Opening the window after work is the best ventilation time. Closing the window after work will not delay heating, but also maintain indoor air circulation, making it the best time to open the window. When cooking, it is best to open the kitchen window to facilitate the timely discharge of a large amount of oil fumes generated during frying, and to avoid polluting indoor air. At noon, the temperature has already risen, and harmful gases in the lower atmosphere are gradually dissipating. Opening windows for ventilation is more effective. During a thorough cleaning of a room, a large amount of bacteria, dust, dust mites, dandruff, etc. will float in the air, which is the highest concentration of pollutants in the indoor air. When cleaning, one should wear a mask to avoid inhaling air pollutants. Windows should be opened for ventilation during and ten minutes before and after cleaning to allow pollutants to be discharged from the room as soon as possible. When the temperature is low, windows should be opened for ventilation when indoor personnel are dense or during the flu season. If the temperature is very low at this time, you can leave a small gap for ventilation while not being too cold. How to open windows for more effective ventilation with half the effort? The ventilation time for each window opening should not be less than 15 minutes, preferably 20 to 30 minutes. If only a small slit is opened in the window, the ventilation time needs to be increased to 30 to 60 minutes, and the window should be opened 3 to 4 times a day for ventilation. The best ventilation method is to create convection, such as opening the farthest windows and doors in the house to allow flowing air to pass through the entire room. Special reminder: In winter, it is important to avoid wearing thin clothes and blowing when sweating, as this can easily trigger a cold. Patients with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are particularly sensitive to cold stimuli, and special attention should be paid to keeping warm when opening windows. If there is a cold patient at home, it is important to be cautious and open windows in the room in order to ventilate and keep warm. Don't rush to open windows in these situations. In foggy and dusty weather, outdoor air pollution is severe, and doors and windows should be closed. Strong winds can cause dust and are prone to

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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