Protecting and Inheriting Green "National Treasures"


Ancient and famous trees are living fossils that record natural ecological changes, and are green "national treasures" that carry national historical memories. From the lush spring scenery of "thousands of green silk ribbons hanging down" to the magnificent and distant "Hanyang trees of Qingchuan", from the Yang tree at the east gate of "Zangzang" in the Book of Songs, to the loquat tree with "pavilions like a canopy" in the "Xiang Ji Xuan Zhi", the trees embody the emotions and meanings between people, people and their hometowns, and people and nature, which is a simple ecological concept and green development concept that has been passed down in Chinese history to this day. Not long ago, the National Cutural Heritage Administration, the State Forestry and Grass Administration, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development jointly issued a notice to make arrangements for the protection of ancient and famous trees in key national cultural relics protection units, which not only requires "to implement the daily conservation measures of ancient and famous trees", but also encourages "to carry out research and necessary display and interpretation of the cultural connotation and historical value of ancient and famous trees" to better protect ancient and famous trees Exploring its cultural value is of great significance. China has a vast territory and a long history, with numerous ancient and famous trees. The results of the second national census of ancient and famous tree resources show that there are a total of 5.0819 million ancient and famous trees within the scope of the national census, including 1.2213 million scattered in urban and rural areas, 3.8606 million distributed in the form of ancient tree clusters, and 5 ancient trees over 5000 years old. They are the common heritage of nature and culture, and precious treasures left by nature and ancestors. The protection of ancient and famous trees is a systematic project that requires the establishment of a sound institutional framework and effective implementation of the system. In ancient China, there were tree protection systems such as "officials and civilians prohibiting cutting and felling" and "exchanging trees and seals". Today, in order to protect ancient and famous trees, we must adhere to the principles of integrity and innovation. We must not only seek effective tree protection experiences from history, but also rely on intelligent and digital technology to improve the database of ancient and famous trees, build information management platforms, and form a refined and grid management pattern. To protect ancient and famous trees, it is important to tell their stories and explore the cultural and spiritual values behind them. The Xuanyuan cypress in the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor in Shaanxi, the big locust tree in Hongdong, Shanxi, and the welcome pine in Mount Huangshan, Anhui are ancient trees that travel through time and space and are part of Chinese civilization; The larch trees in Saihanba, the Populus euphratica forests deep in the desert, and the Putuo hornbeam, whose seeds fly into space, these famous trees record the marks of national and ethnic development and progress. We should carefully excavate and organize the touching stories behind each ancient tree and famous tree, tell and inherit these stories well, so that ancient trees and famous trees can truly become memorable landmarks, touchable history, and strong support for strengthening cultural confidence. Protecting ancient and famous trees also requires fully mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the general public. Currently, China's urbanization process is constantly advancing, and it is necessary to organically combine the protection of ancient and famous trees with urban construction. In urban construction planning, the protection of ancient and famous trees should be taken into consideration, and the relationship between development and protection should be coordinated. Taking good care of protection

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Jia jia

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