To understand China, the key is to understand Chinese path to modernization


Deeply clarify that the key to understanding China is to understand Chinese path to modernization, and express China's sincere desire to work with other countries to achieve peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation, and common prosperity in the world modernization. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the "Understanding China" International Conference. Against the backdrop of the accelerated evolution of the current century long changes and the interweaving of risks and challenges, China actively takes on the role of a responsible major country, making significant contributions to solving common problems and enhancing human well-being. The importance of understanding China and working together with China to create a better future is even more prominent. To understand Chinese path to modernization, we must deeply understand the world significance of Chinese path to modernization. After a hundred years of exploration and continuous struggle, China has found a development path suitable for itself and is comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. chinese modernization is the modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all, the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development. Chinese path to modernization is deeply rooted in China's excellent traditional culture, reflects the advanced nature of scientific socialism, draws on and absorbs all outstanding achievements of human civilization, represents the development direction of human civilization progress, shows a new vision different from the western modernization model, and is a completely new form of human civilization. It expands the path choices for developing countries to modernize and provides a Chinese solution for humanity's exploration of better social systems. To understand Chinese path to modernization, we need to see the opportunities that Chinese path to modernization brings to the world. As the world's largest developing country, China has always placed its own development in the coordinate system of human development, creating new opportunities for world development through its own development. Larger scale Chinese market and demand. Former Austrian Prime Minister Wolfgang Schusser believes that China's continued efforts to create a market-oriented, rule of law, and international business environment demonstrate China's determination to adhere to high-level openness, which will benefit both China and the world. To understand Chinese path to modernization, we should also see that China is not pursuing an independent modernization. China not only looks forward to working with other countries, including developing countries, to achieve common goals

Edit:Hu Sen Ming    Responsible editor:Li Xi


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