How should primary and secondary school students engage in scientific exercise? Frontline teachers come to recruit


Recently, the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Security and the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, launched a special action on "safety protection" for extracurricular training for primary and secondary school students. For training activities such as dance and sports, which mainly focus on physical training and are prone to injury risks, the "Five Don'ts" for off campus training safety reminders should be made, including not conducting strong and flexible training for children too early, and not conducting training with high difficulty coefficients. Recently, in response to the issue of some local primary and secondary school students being restricted for 10 minutes between classes, officials from the Ministry of Education stated that the Ministry of Education will further urge local and school governments to strictly implement relevant national regulations, follow educational laws and students' physical and mental development laws, and resolutely correct the practice of simply restricting students' necessary breaks and activities for the sake of "ensuring student safety". Primary and secondary school students are the main body of teenagers, the future and hope of the country. The health education of students cannot be overemphasized. So, how should primary and secondary school students engage in scientific exercise? What are the precautions during exercise? The reporter interviewed multiple frontline teachers. Feng Xinli, a physical education teacher at Beixianquan Primary School in Shangdang District, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, said that break time is a time for students to eliminate learning fatigue and activate their physical and mental health. At Beixianquan Primary School, students' campus break time exercises mainly include broadcast gymnastics, eye exercises, rope skipping, and shuttlecock kicking. Students who kick shuttlecock and jump rope play on both sides of the small playground on the first floor. Everyone can play alone, collaborate, or compete. Comprehensive physical exercise is necessary to promote the growth and development of students' bodies. Feng Xinli said that comprehensive exercise is to exercise the body and achieve comprehensive development of the functional levels of various organs and systems. Some students may have slower speeds, so they can focus on developing leg strength and improving running ability through repetitive exercises, while also cooperating with broadcast gymnastics to develop upper limb strength. "Chang Lulu, a physical education teacher at the Second Primary School in Xiangyuan County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, told reporters that preparing and organizing activities are crucial for the smooth progress and quality of activities. Simply put, preparation activities are the process of gradually transitioning the human body from a calm state to an active state. As the weather gets colder, it is important to do sufficient preparation activities to make the body warm, activate stiff muscles and joints, and avoid damage. In addition, at the end of the exercise, it is also important to do a good job of organizing activities. Gradually transitioning the body from a tense state to a quiet state helps eliminate fatigue caused by physical activity, "said Chang Lulu. Zhao Yunyun, a dance teacher at Chaoyue Secondary Vocational School in Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, stated that dance education, as an important part of aesthetic education, is an important means of cultivating the sentiments of young people. She suggests that students must start from their actual conditions and follow the principle of gradual learning and exercise. Actions should be changed from easy to difficult, and attention should be paid to laying a good foundation. Exercise time should be appropriate, and excessive exercise should be avoided to avoid excessive fatigue. "Zhao Yunyun admitted that in order to better play the important role of body dance in promoting the healthy growth and comprehensive development of teenagers, teachers should pay attention to following the laws of physical and mental development of teenagers, and use flexible and diverse teaching methods,

Edit:GuoGuou    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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