Minister of Finance Lan Foan: It is expected that the Chinese economy will maintain a positive recovery trend in the fourth quarter


According to the website of the Ministry of Finance on November 14th, the 30th APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting will be held from November 12th to 13th, 2023 in San Francisco, USA. The meeting mainly discussed topics such as the global and regional economic and financial situation, modern supply side economics, sustainable finance, and digital assets. Minister of Finance Lan Fo'an attended the meeting and delivered a speech, accompanied by Vice Minister of Finance Liao Min. Lan Foan pointed out that the current global economic recovery momentum is unstable, the momentum is weakening, trade and investment are becoming weak, and the task of sustainable development is arduous. All parties should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, build closer regional industrial and supply chains, and jointly build an open Asia Pacific and world economy. Lan Foan emphasized that since the beginning of this year, the Chinese economy has continued to rebound and improve, especially since the third quarter, where positive changes have further increased and endogenous momentum has continued to strengthen. It is expected that the Chinese economy will maintain a rebound and positive trend in the fourth quarter. China remains an important engine for stable global economic growth. Lan Foan stated that promoting supply side structural reform is the only way to achieve high-quality development. Lan Foan introduced China's experience in promoting the dual carbon goals and sustainable financial development, calling on APEC economies to strengthen cooperation, jointly promote green development and energy transformation in the region through practical actions, and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. (New News Agency)

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:WeiZe

Source:Securities Daily

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