"Ten minutes between classes" is indispensable, and "students are being kept in captivity" urgently needs to be solved


The basic function of 'ten minutes between classes' is to help students relax from class, stretch their bodies, relieve fatigue, and avoid physical tension and injuries caused by prolonged sitting. As early childhood educator Montessori once said, it is the nature of children to enjoy walking and running around. As early as 1954, psychologists demonstrated through the famous sensory deprivation experiment that even if you don't have to do anything and just lie in a laboratory without stimulation, you can get good rewards, and people can only persist for at most two to three days. The experimental results show that feeling bored and restless is the most basic reaction of people. In the days after the experiment, some participants may experience symptoms such as inattention, severe cognitive activity imbalance, and even hallucinations. It can be seen that if the "ten minute break" physical activity cannot be guaranteed, students are prone to physiological disorders and prolonged sitting leading to illness. The expanded function of "Ten Minutes Between Classes" is to provide students with social activities that meet their psychological needs, such as peer communication, interactive games, and making friends. These processes of establishing connections and interacting with others can promote children's social development, including learning prosocial behaviors, regulating emotions, and resolving conflicts. Among them, children's conflict resolution ability is the most important indicator for evaluating their socialization and social adaptation level. In the context of resolving conflicts between peers, there are usually five types of interpersonal conflict coping strategies: problem-solving, seeking help, avoidance, introversion, and extroversion, which correspond to: trying to solve the problem through a certain way, seeking help from others, avoiding reality, burying negative emotions in the heart, and coping with conflicts through emotional venting. Compared to the more risky social environment outside of campus or facing the family environment of adult elders, the situation of interacting with peers on campus is more conducive to children's safety and ease in constantly trying and accumulating experience, and is more likely to learn problem-solving strategies. So, the "ten minute break" social activity is of great value for students' growth. Humans are naturally social animals and need to interact and interact with others to meet their social needs. According to the "Handbook of Child Psychology" jointly written by authoritative experts in the field of child psychology internationally, peer socialization situations from childhood to adolescence play an important role in children's mental health and social adaptation. In the process of interacting with adults and peers, children gradually become socialized, and their personalities also exhibit characteristics of social adaptation. Therefore, if the "ten minute break" social activity cannot be guaranteed, it is not only detrimental to the physical and mental health development of students, but may also hinder their social adaptability development. The ideal state of 'ten minutes between classes' is to have motivation and peace of mind for teachers. Years ago,' ten minutes between classes' was often associated with laughter, playing games, kicking shuttlecock, jumping rubber bands, and so on. At that time, the class breaks belonged entirely to students and were lively, allowing teachers to relax and rest; Today, many schools have quiet breaks, where teachers keep their nerves tight and keep an eye on students. They are breaks where students dare not speak loudly, take big steps, and carry psychological pressure. This change is not only caused by changes in time, but also by changes in space and concepts. Many schools, especially urban schools, teach

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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