What will happen to your body after a bowl of millet porridge every day?


I've heard the phrase 'eat more coarse grains', but most coarse grains have a harder texture and are not very friendly for people with poor teeth or weak health. But Xiaomi is different. It belongs to the "fine grain" category of coarse grains, which is particularly easy to cook and chew. A bowl of hot millet porridge is a favorite of many people. If I drink a bowl of millet porridge every day, what will happen to my body? Today, let's talk about the nutrition of Xiaomi? Xiaomi is an important grain crop in China and one of the earliest crops planted, with a history of over a thousand years. Small particles, golden color, easy to cook and digest, whether children or toothless grannies, a bowl of millet porridge is no problem. Such millet, suitable for all ages, is also very nutritious. 1. Fat millet and rice are both our daily staple foods, with almost equal carbohydrate content, but significant differences in fat content. Compared with the rice we eat daily, the fat content of millet is as high as 3.1g/100g, 5.2 times that of rice, and higher than other coarse grains such as oat, buckwheat, corn, etc. It can be seen that Xiaomi is really "quite oily" in the staple food. 2. Compared to rice, millet allows us to consume a little more protein, and its protein content is nearly 1.2 times that of rice. The proportion of essential amino acids in millet is relatively balanced, but the content of lysine and methionine is relatively low, belonging to the restricted amino acids, especially lysine is the first limiting amino acid in millet. Therefore, while eating millet, it is important to pay attention to food diversity. Eating it together with beans, eggs, fish, etc. can improve the nutritional value of the diet. Xiaomi has extremely low protein allergy and a higher digestion rate than wheat and rice, making it suitable for elderly people with weak digestive function and patients in recovery. 3. Vitamin E has strong antioxidant properties, and the content of vitamin E in millet is very rich, 3.6 times that of rice. 4. The mineral potassium and magnesium content of millet is higher than that of rice, both nearly three times that of rice. 5. Compared to rice, Xiaomi has a prominent iron content of 5.1mg/100g, which is higher than that of pig lean meat and 1.7 times that of pig lean meat. However, the iron in Xiaomi is non heme iron, which has poor absorption and utilization efficiency and cannot achieve the ideal iron supplementation effect. To improve its absorption and utilization rate, one can simultaneously consume vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as sweet peppers, kiwifruit, fresh dates, oranges, etc. 6. Selenium millet has an excellent selenium content of 4.74 μ G/100g is nearly twice that of rice and higher than most staple foods. In addition, Xiaomi has higher levels of B vitamins, carotenoids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and other nutrients than rice, as well as higher levels of Xiaomi polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects. What needs to be reminded is: Do not add alkali to boiled millet porridge, which will destroy B vitamins. What will happen to your body when you drink millet porridge every day? Millet porridge is the standard breakfast configuration for many people. It usually takes 20-30 grams of millet to make a bowl of millet porridge. Even 50 grams of millet is enough for people with large meals. If you drink a bowl of millet porridge every day, it will not only fill your stomach, but also be good for your health

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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