Searching for Ancient China: Searching for Roots, Sources, and Origins


The large-scale documentary series "Searching for Ancient China" created by China Central Radio and Television Corporation attempts to outline the origin, formation, and development of Chinese civilization by restoring each mysterious ancient country in ancient classics based on the latest archaeological excavation and historical research results. The first batch of released series contents such as "Records of Ancient Dian", "Records of Ancient Shu", "Records of Jade and Stone", and "Records of Rice" have had a good dissemination effect and social response after being broadcasted on CCTV's comprehensive channel, and have received widespread attention and enthusiastic discussion from the public. From the personal perspective of archaeologists, "Searching for Ancient China" leads the audience to the archaeological site to "search for roots, sources, and origins", allowing people to immerse themselves in the ancient people's outlook on life and the universe, perceive the connotation of the Chinese national spirit, search for the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and showcase the great process of continuous development and progress of the Chinese nation. In the documentary, the host shuttles through real-life spaces full of primitive atmosphere, using suspenseful narrative language to create a mysterious atmosphere, arouse the audience's curiosity, and then unveil the layers of ancient civilization through cultural relic stories, leading the audience to explore the depths of the ancient country step by step. The creator pays attention to the display of cultural relics in detail, using animation to depict the texture of the relics, and presenting dynamic effects with static animal patterns on the relics. With the assistance of these high-tech means, cultural relics have become vivid and imaginative models, allowing the audience to glimpse the human fireworks thousands of years ago from a subtle perspective and understand the development trajectory of the ancient China. The documentary "Searching for Ancient China" not only vividly presents new discoveries in the current archaeological community with stylized audio-visual effects, but also showcases the process of archaeologists exploring history and unraveling the fog, making the documentary both visually spectacular and scientifically and intellectually informative. The ancient civilization, which is rarely recorded in ancient books and historical records, has a certain degree of mystery and attracts people to explore. The film is problem-oriented, and at the beginning of each episode, the mystery of where this ancient civilization came from is thrown out. Then, through interpretations from different perspectives such as excavators buried in archaeological sites and researchers studying cultural relics in laboratories, as well as narratives that state ancient records, multiple threads are pushed forward layer by layer, and key evidence is mutually confirmed, ultimately sorting out a true and verifiable ancient history of the country. Although these ancient countries only existed briefly in the long river of history, they eventually merged into the mainstream of Chinese civilization like streams, accumulating into the cultural genes of the Chinese nation. Therefore, the documentary does not narrate the past and present lives of ancient Yunnan and ancient Shu from an isolated and closed perspective, but rather places it in a broader perspective, perspective the unique role of different regional civilizations in the entire Chinese civilization territory, and stimulate the audience's deep feelings of home and country. In addition to the bizarre and magnificent ancient civilization, the documentary also presents a group of archaeologists who are searching up and down and brave in breaking through. The creators did not list their work achievements, but instead reduced them to thinkers and researchers exploring historical truths. Some of them, like scientists, enter the laboratory to operate precision instruments and search for historical truth on unearthed cultural relics one by one; Some, like explorers, travel through the rarely traveled mountains and wilderness, searching for traces of ancestors' lives, and piecing together fragmented historical fragments recorded in ancient books and cultural relics;

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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