Behind the controversy over "pre made dishes entering the campus"


At the beginning of the school year, "pre made vegetables entering the campus" attracted public attention. Some parents are concerned about the quality and safety of pre made dishes. Prefabricated dishes have the advantages of convenience and speed, and are quietly infiltrating more and more consumer scenarios; But at the same time, the safety and nutrition of campus meals cannot be ignored. How to alleviate some parents' anxiety? Against the backdrop of industrialization in the food industry, how can we better ensure our dietary health? Xinhua Perspective reporters conducted an investigation. Have pre made dishes entered the campus on a large scale? It is rumored online that some school canteens in Rongjiang New Area, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Shenzhen, and other places use pre made dishes, but most local departments and schools deny this. The Social Affairs Management Bureau of Rongjiang New Area in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province stated that student meals are uniformly distributed by the central kitchen. The head of the catering company stated that they purchase fresh dishes every day and have never purchased pre made dishes. The reporter contacted multiple schools in Bao'an District and Longgang District of Shenzhen, but the school authorities denied using pre made dishes. Our education group's schools are all self operated canteens, using fresh ingredients every day, and the dishes are freshly cooked, "a school academic affairs director who declined to be named told reporters. So, has pre made dishes entered the campus on a large scale? Is the central kitchen serving a pre made dish? Several interviewees stated that the main types of food entering the campus are hot chain boxed meals or pure and semi-finished dishes cooked in the school kitchen, most of which do not use heated and ready to eat cooking bags. Some industry insiders believe that if a central kitchen is used to prepare meals and enter the campus cafeteria in a "semi-finished" mode, it also falls within the scope of using pre made dishes. On the open day of a high school in Guangzhou, the school invited representatives from the family committee to visit the cafeteria and sent on-site photos to the parent group. A parent told reporters that there were photos of cutting and frying vegetables on site, but some chicken legs, braised meat, braised pork, etc. did not see photos of cutting and cooking on site. A student told reporters that he had been eating in the cafeteria for two years, and some meat dishes always taste the same, feeling like they were made by machine standardization. A primary school principal in Jinan, Shandong Province, stated that many public primary and secondary schools do not have canteens, and students can only have lunch through catering companies. The school clearly requires the catering company not to use prefabricated dishes. For example, Rice-meat dumplings cannot be purchased from the market and processed with semi-finished products, but can only be made with fresh meat. According to Zhang Taiqi, Director of the Basic Education Office of the Qiongshan District Education Bureau in Haikou City, at present, compulsory education schools in Qiongshan District mainly provide lunch through two methods: on-site canteens and catering enterprises. 13 schools have opened canteens, and 15 schools rely on enterprise catering. The supply enterprise that adopts the catering method was ultimately selected after on-site inspection, communication, and discussion among representatives of the school, Qiongshan District People's Congress, and parents. The reporter interviewed multiple public schools in Haikou, and the school authorities generally stated that the school's nutritious meals did not use pre made dishes. The reporter learned from a public primary school in Longhua District that the school selected catering companies through bidding, but the food produced and delivered by the central kitchen was not satisfactory. Although many schools deny using pre made dishes, parents still have concerns. In the vote on the topic of "How to View the Phenomenon of Prefabricated Vegetables Entering Campus", over 80% of netizens chose "Disagree", while less than 10% of netizens agreed. How to view "pre made dishes entering the campus"? Parents Oppose Prefabricated Vegetables Entering Campus

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Jia jia


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