Earth's Second "Comprehensive Physical Examination Report" Released


According to the Physicist Organization Network on the 17th, 29 scientists from 8 countries conducted a comprehensive "physical examination" of the Earth, analyzing 9 interrelated "Earth boundaries". The results indicate that human activities have exceeded the safety level of six of these boundaries and are pushing the Earth beyond the "safe operating space" that is suitable for most species, including humans. The 'Earth boundary' refers to certain thresholds, including climate change, biodiversity, freshwater, land use, and the impact of synthetic chemicals and aerosols. The indicators of the Earth need to remain within these thresholds to ensure that it is a stable and livable planet. But this new study points out that six of the nine boundaries - climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, synthetic chemicals including plastics, freshwater consumption, and nitrogen use - have been breached, while two of the remaining three boundaries - ocean acidification, particulate matter pollution in the atmosphere, and dust concentration - are in critical states, with only ozone depletion within safe limits. In 2009, scientists conducted their first comprehensive physical examination of the Earth, when only global warming, extinction rates, and nitrogen exceeded their limits. The co author of the paper and director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, John Rokstrom, pointed out that humanity is still moving in the wrong direction, and there is no sign that any boundaries other than the ozone layer have begun to turn in the right direction. Since the prohibition of chemicals that destroy the ozone layer, the ozone layer is slowly being repaired. In terms of biodiversity, the rate of species extinction is at least 100 times that of the average extinction rate over the past 10 million years, and 10 times that of the Earth's safety boundary; The threshold for climate change is related to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is currently 417ppm (parts per million), far above the safety threshold of 350ppm. This new study also quantifies for the first time the thousands of compounds produced by humans - from microplastics and insecticides to nuclear waste and drugs that infiltrate the environment - and the results show that the quantities of these compounds also exceed safety limits. (New News Agency)

Edit:Hu Sen Ming    Responsible editor:Li Xi


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