It's starting to go black in front of you. Don't take it seriously


Have you ever had such an experience in life? After lying or sitting for a long time, when standing up suddenly, it feels dark in front of you, and in severe cases, you may even experience fainting. Anemia? Low blood sugar? Or is there a heart problem? My eyes darkened, what the hell is going on? The accurate term for 'black in front of your eyes' is orthostatic hypotension. Sitting or lying for a long time can lead to a sudden onset of' black in front of your eyes', which can also be accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, and pale complexion. When faced with this situation, most people will think they have low blood sugar or anemia? It should be noted that simple hypoglycemia or anemia is less affected by posture, and it is precisely hypotension, or orthostatic hypotension, that causes blackness in the eyes when standing up. (Hypotension, hypoglycemia, and anemia are three completely different diseases, with detailed differences as shown in the table below.) Erectile hypotension, also known as orthostatic hypotension, refers to a continuous decrease in systolic blood pressure within the first three minutes after transitioning from a supine position to an upright position; 20mmHg or a decrease in diastolic blood pressure gt; 10mmHg can be accompanied by typical symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, blackness, and even fainting when standing, or may be asymptomatic or only have non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, trembling, and nausea. Orthostatic hypotension can be seen in all age groups, but it is usually more common in middle-aged and elderly people with multiple diseases. The causes of orthostatic hypotension are divided into non neurogenic and neurogenic non neurogenic ● Insufficient blood volume: dehydration, bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, burns, and other conditions. Adverse reactions of drugs: such as diuretics, vasodilators, and antihypertensive drugs( α Receptor blockers β Receptor blockers, renin angiotensin system inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, etc., tricyclic antidepressants. The internal environmental regulation function of the machine is weakened, such as long-term bed rest, fever, etc. Neurogenic ● Primary neurogenic orthostatic hypotension, clinically manifested as orthostatic hypotension and other autonomic nervous disorders, accompanied by neurological abnormalities caused by degeneration of motor neurons in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, or spinal cord. Secondary neurogenic orthostatic hypotension, such as central nervous system tumors, spinal cord injuries, and Guillain Barre syndrome. How to determine if you have orthostatic hypotension? Immediately after standing (usually within about 5 steps of standing and walking), there is a history of recurrent and transient orthostatic intolerance, and high vigilance is needed to determine whether there is orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension can be symptomatic or asymptomatic. The main symptoms are: ◎ Insufficient cerebral blood flow perfusion leading to dizziness, hearing loss, cognitive impairment, and syncope; ◎ Blurred or darkened vision; Sometimes it also manifests as "hanger like pain" (the pain radiates from the neck and back to the occipital and shoulder muscles, and the pain area is shaped like a hanger); Due to insufficient pulmonary blood flow perfusion, breathing difficulties and fatigue may occur; In a few cases, symptoms such as angina and palpitations may occur due to insufficient coronary blood supply. The above symptoms only appear when standing, and alleviate when sitting and lying down. Diagnosis also requires these assessments - ● Patients in the upright test should lie quietly for 10 minutes, measure their basal heart rate and blood pressure, and perform routine electrocardiogram. Quickly stand up, during the experiment, if the patient's systolic and diastolic pressure drops by ≥ 20mmH within 3 minutes of standing upright

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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