Venezuelan President Maduro: Looking forward to more pragmatic cooperation between Venezuela and China


Venezuelan President Maduro, who is currently on a state visit to China, visited Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Island and Fenglin Life Science Park in Shanghai on the 10th. He highly praised China's achievements in high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence and looked forward to more practical cooperation between Venezuela and China. Maduro praised China as a pioneer in the development of high-tech fields worldwide. "China has gathered a large number of advanced medical equipment and talents, and Venezuela will also prioritize the development of the technology industry. The prospects for cooperation between the two countries are broad," he said in a meeting. Maduro, who has visited China multiple times, sees himself as a witness to China's economic and social development. "I have had a special attachment to China since I was young. Over the years, Venezuela and China have established a friendly and cooperative relationship of political mutual trust. I look forward to taking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Venezuela and China next year as an opportunity to take our relationship to a new level." Maduro believes that Shanghai and Venezuela have enormous potential for cooperation. "Venezuela is about to open a business office in Shanghai, and I hope to establish a friendly city relationship with Shanghai in the near future in the state of Carapopo." He further pointed out that Carapopo has a good industrial development foundation and a complete dock infrastructure construction, which is conducive to establishing a positive cooperation relationship with Shanghai. Maduro stated that Venezuelan companies will actively participate in the 6th China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai this year. "Venezuela has abundant seafood and high-quality coffee beans, and we hope to use the platform of the CIIE to allow more Chinese consumers to taste the food produced in Venezuela. We encourage more Venezuelan enterprises to invest and develop in China." He also welcomes Chinese tourists to travel to Venezuela. "Venezuela has beautiful beaches. We will try to open a route between Shanghai and Caracas, allowing Shanghai tourists to spend a wonderful vacation in the Amazon rainforest or the Andes," he said. "The Latin American region, including Venezuela, needs to take the path of independent development in the 21st century." Maduro said, "Venezuela is willing to work with China to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and a new form of human civilization." Maduro arrived in Shanghai on the evening of the 9th after concluding his visit to Shenzhen. On the evening of the 10th, Maduro flew from Shanghai to Jinan to continue his visit in China. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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