Carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic! How can we protect the next generation from nuclear wastewater?


On August 24th, the Japanese government officially launched the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, causing widespread public attention and global controversy. Faced with the surging nuclear wastewater, the public is increasingly concerned about this invisible risk factor: will it cause fetal malformations, miscarriage, and stillbirth? Can it cause cancer? Can't eat fish products anymore? How to prevent it? Nuclear radiation carcinogenesis, teratogenicity, and mutagenicity refer to wastewater generated from nuclear power stations and nuclear technology applications. Nuclear contaminated water contains a large amount of radioactive isotopes, such as cesium, strontium, beryllium, cobalt, radium, etc., which have strong radiation ability and can cause serious harm to the human body. Nuclear radiation radioactive substances can enter the human body through three pathways: the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and skin. Radioactive substances that enter the human body can continue to emit multiple rays, causing internal radiation. When the radioactive substance reaches a certain concentration, it can cause damage to the human body. Zhu Juan, Deputy Chief Physician of the Medical Genetics Center of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, pointed out that after the human body is exposed to nuclear radiation, it may cause DNA strands in the body to break. At higher radiation doses, nuclear radiation is like simultaneously firing billions of tiny high-speed bullets, piercing the human body, breaking DNA strands, and once DNA breaks, causing cell damage and death. The impact of nuclear radiation on DNA is very serious. It may cause changes in the genetic information of organisms, thereby affecting the normal growth and division of cells, and even leading to diseases such as infection and cancer. "Zhu Juan said that the discharge of nuclear wastewater may have the" three causes "- carcinogenesis, teratogenicity, and mutagenicity, which depend on the diffusion range and concentration of nuclides, which in turn depend on the speed and quantity of nuclear contaminated water discharge, And the types and dosages (concentrations) of nuclides in nuclear contaminated water. Radiation exposure during pregnancy leads to miscarriage and stillbirth. Nuclear radiation is essentially an ionizing radiation process, and the risks of radiation exposure during pregnancy mainly include miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal growth restriction, microcephaly, tumors, and long-term intellectual impairment. The magnitude and degree of risk leading to adverse outcomes depend on the gestational age and exposure dose of the fetus. Zhu Juan also believes that the long-term effects of radiation exposure mainly consider whether to increase the incidence of tumors. Retrospective data shows that a fetal radiation exposure dose of 10-20 mGy in early pregnancy may increase the risk of developing leukemia after birth by 1.5-2.0 times. However, there are many reasons for leukemia, and it is still unclear whether it is due to increased incidence of radiation exposure during pregnancy. According to research, when the radiation exposure dose is greater than 100mGy, it can cause miscarriage, deformities, intellectual development disorders, etc., but usually diagnostic tests cannot reach this dose 50mGy of radiation generally does not cause harm to the fetus, and this dose or below is relatively safe. In various radiation examinations, the radiation level: X-ray examination < CT examination < nuclear medicine examination, while B-ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging examination do not contain ionizing radiation, so it is safe to do B-ultrasound examination during pregnancy. How can we prevent nuclear contaminated water from being discharged into the sea in Japan

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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