What is' ear water imbalance '?


Recently, a well-known singer unexpectedly fell during a concert, causing concern and heated discussion among many netizens. After the concert, he explained that he had suffered from "ear water imbalance" since childhood, which occurs almost once a year. He began to feel dizzy half an hour before this performance, and then fell down. So, what is the problem of 'ear water imbalance'? How does it make people fall? In fact, "ear fluid imbalance" is a popular term, medically known as Meniere Disease (MD), and the symptoms presented by the singer are likely a special form of Meniere's disease - "otolith crisis". Meniere's disease, also known as Meniere's syndrome or Meniere's syndrome, is an inner ear disease characterized by idiopathic membranous labyrinthine hydrocephalus and is also a common cause of dizziness. The underlying cause of this disease is not yet clear, and it is currently recognized that endolymphatic hydrops is a hallmark feature of the disease. It is generally believed that its triggers include fatigue, mental tension and emotional fluctuations, sleep disorders, adverse life events, weather or seasonal changes, etc. The typical manifestations are recurrent rotational dizziness, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and ear tightness. As the disease progresses, hearing loss gradually worsens, tinnitus and stuffiness persist, gradually progressing to vestibular dysfunction, while affecting balance function and increasing the risk of falls. Falls in patients with Meniere's disease are highly likely to be an acute attack of Turmakin's otolith crisis, which is a special manifestation of Meniere's disease. Turmakin otolith crisis, also known as a fall attack, is a sudden fall that does not occur with a disturbance of consciousness. Therefore, patients can stand on their own after falling. This situation occurs due to fluctuations in endolymphatic pressure causing otolith dysfunction and sudden loss of vestibular spinal cord tension. This is a risk factor that greatly affects daily life and has a high incidence of falls and injuries. In addition, the diagnosis of Meniere's disease requires various relevant examinations based on the patient's condition, mainly including audiometry (pure tone audiometry, tinnitus examination, cochlear electrogram, etc.), vestibular function examination (position test, dual temperature test, video head pulse test, vestibular myogenic evoked potential, etc.), balance function examination (static and dynamic posture recording, etc.), and imaging examination (CT, internal ear gadolinium imaging, etc.), Among them, gadolinium imaging technology in the inner ear can accurately diagnose Meniere's disease. The main goal of clinical treatment for Meniere's disease is to reduce or control dizziness, preserve hearing, and reduce tinnitus and ear tightness. During the acute attack period, the main focus is to control dizziness and alleviate pain, and individualized treatment is implemented during the interval between attacks. In the early stages of Meniere's disease, patients first adjust their lifestyle, pay attention to a low salt diet, and live a regular life. Conservative drug therapy includes the use of various dehydrating agents and hormones. When medication is unable to control dizziness or frequent falls occur, tympanic injection of hormones can be used for treatment. At the same time, for patients with severe and frequent dizziness attacks, surgical treatment becomes an indispensable treatment option for those with poor efficacy in medication or tympanic injection therapy, including endolymphatic sac decompression, semicircular canal packing, labyrinthectomy, vestibular nerve transection surgery, and other treatment techniques. The surgical treatment method is based on the severity of dizziness, hearing level, age

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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