Today's summer solstice: The dial of the day has reached the extreme clouds, and the night leak has grown from here


On the summer solstice, there is a yin birth, but it is slightly delayed. Today, we welcome the tenth solar term among the 24 solar terms - the summer solstice, also known as the "Summer Festival" or "Summer Solstice Festival" in ancient times. At this moment, the vegetation is lush and everything is lush. Accompanied by the scorching sun, the cicadas on the trees chirp incessantly, and the rising temperature announces the arrival of midsummer. The days are gradually shortening and the summer is long. According to the "Explanation of the Seventy Two Seasons of the Moon", "The Summer Solstice is in the middle of May." The "Yun Hui" says: "Summer is false; the solstice is extreme; all things are false big and extreme here." At this time, all things grow and flourish to a climax. According to the Transcript of Observing the Constitution, "The summer solstice is called the summer solstice because the sun comes to the north, the day is long, and the shadow is short." On the summer solstice, the sun almost shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, and the northern hemisphere ushers in the longest day. Since then, the days have become shorter and the nights have become longer. Based on five days as a period, ancient people divided the summer solstice into three periods: "The first period is when deer antlers are released; the second period is when thorns are chirping; and the third period is when summer is half full." Ancient people believed that the summer solstice meant the arrival of the anode and the birth of yin qi. Deer antlers grow forward and belong to the Yang genus, so they gradually fall off; After feeling the growth of Yin Qi, cicadas began to drum their wings and sing loudly; The Yin loving herb Pinellia ternata also began to sprout and grow. In the scorching summer, cicadas chirp incessantly. Since ancient times, literati and literati have also loved summer and enjoyed this leisurely and beautiful summer time. The lotus breeze sends fragrance, and the bamboo dew drips with a clear sound. With the summer breeze blowing gently and lotus leaves in the fields, Meng Haoran wrote about the refreshing and leisurely feeling of enjoying the cool water pavilion on summer nights; Lu Ju hangs golden bullets, and Gan Jiao spits white lotus. Fan Xun marvels at the freshness of summer and records the unique scenery of summer; The fragrant bamboo tube with zongzi fragrance is tender, and the crispy goose is delicious. "Bai Juyi recalled the fragrance of zongzi leaves at the summer solstice banquet, as well as the delicious crispy goose roasted. As the saying goes, "Dumplings from the winter solstice and noodles from the summer solstice" and "Eating noodles from the summer solstice is a common custom in many parts of China. At this time, the new wheat came on the stage. Eating noodles means tasting something new. It also reminds everyone that the days will be shorter and shorter after the summer solstice, and the thread used in Needlework will be less and less every day. According to the records in the Qing Dynasty's "Annals of Emperor Jing Sui Shi Ji Sheng", Beijing people are accustomed to eating a bowl of cold washed noodles on the summer solstice, which means "crossing the water surface". People pass the cooked noodles in a pot over cold water and add various side dishes and seasonings when eating them. As the saying goes, "a bowl of noodles is enough to quench the heat. In the Guangdong region, there is a saying that goes: "Eating a lychee on the summer solstice has no harm for a year." At this time, when lychees are on the market, a bite can be said to be fresh, sweet, and juicy. Zhu Fazhen, an eminent monk of the Liang Dynasty, once mentioned in the book "Climbing Mount Luofu" that "litchi is green in winter, red in the summer solstice, and edible in six or seven days. It is sweet and sour. Its fine core is called the scorched core, and litchi is the most precious". In the scorching sun, one can also eat foods such as watermelon, bitter gourd, and bitter chrysanthemum to clear heat and relieve heat, achieving the effects of eliminating dryness and dampness, enhancing appetite, and obtaining a touch of coolness in summer. Enjoy the vitality and beautiful time of midsummer to the fullest, stand facing the sun, full of warm pillows, and may all beauty come as promised! (Reporter Liu Wei and intern Jiang Shuangyuan also contributed to this article) (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang er dong

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