The Prime Minister of Prime Minister of Spain said that he would actively promote the development of EU strategic industries and diversification of trade relations


Prime Minister of Spain's Prime Minister Sanchez said on the 15th that Spain will actively promote the development of strategic industries and the diversification of trade relations during its rotating presidency of the EU, so that the EU can get rid of the situation of over dependence on third countries in key areas such as energy, health, digital technology and food. Spain will take over the rotating presidency of the European Union on July 1st this year for a period of six months. On the same day, Sanchez introduced the priorities that Spain will focus on during its rotating presidency of the European Union at the Palace of Moncloa of the Prime Minister's Palace in Madrid. He said that in the next six months, Spain will focus on promoting the reindustrialization of the European Union, promoting ecological transformation, promoting social and economic justice, and strengthening European unity. Sanchez said that in order to safeguard the strategic autonomy of the EU's openness, Spain will actively promote the development of strategic industries and the diversification of trade relations in the next six months, so that the EU can break away from the excessive dependence on third-party countries in key areas such as energy, health, digital technology, and food. At the same time, this also means that strengthening the relationship between the European Union and Latin America will become one of the priorities of the Western government's work. Sanchez said that Spain, as the rotating presidency of the European Union, will be committed to promoting electricity market reform, accelerating the deployment of renewable energy, and reducing electricity prices to make European companies more competitive. In terms of social and economic justice, Sanchez stated that Spain will propose establishing common and minimum commercial tax standards in all EU member states and cracking down on tax evasion by large multinational corporations. In addition, a fairer labor market should be created and workers' rights in the labor field should be expanded. In terms of strengthening European unity, Sanchez said that in an environment full of uncertainty and increasing geopolitical tensions, Spain will propose further deepening its internal market, creating banking and capital market alliances, and promoting immigration program management. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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