AR enters the traditional calligraphy and painting art museum to "unlock" the new mode of parent-child research and learning


25 families of primary and secondary school students experienced the youth themed special event of the 2023 Shanghai Information Consumption Festival "Metaverse Application Scene Experience" series of activities, which was created by AR (Augmented Reality) "grafting" traditional calligraphy and painting collections, at the Suning Art Museum in Shanghai on May 28th. 25 families of primary and secondary school students also experienced the challenge game created by AR (Augmented Reality) "grafting" traditional calligraphy and painting collections on site, Explore and unlock new parent-child experiences through metaverse application scenarios. Recently, the 2023 Shanghai Information Consumption Festival opened. As one of the series of activities of the festival, the "Metaverse Application Scenario Experience" activity plans to carry out a zero distance experience of metaverse application scenarios for all age groups, allowing more age group citizens to experience the "Metaverse around them". In the context of the gradual penetration of science and technology into daily life, Suning Art Museum has accelerated its Digital transformation, created a meta universe interactive experience, combined AR with traditional calligraphy and painting collections, and created a card playing game based on teenagers' preferences and age characteristics. It is reported that the AR navigation mini program developed by Suning Art Museum includes a total of 12 levels. During the visit, the audience can use their mobile phones to scan the QR code next to the artwork and participate in the AR mini game to understand the story behind the collection. In addition to interactive forms such as puzzle filling, fault finding, and continuous viewing, the game also designs different presentation methods for different collections. For example, static calligraphy and painting works are made into ink animations, and by scanning the code, ink dragons can be seen shuttling through the cloud on the mobile screen. The AR gamification concept, combined with corresponding intelligent technology, brings a new parent-child research model that combines education and entertainment to Suning Art Museum. Transform the originally dull and highly professional art museum into an interesting research venue. The reporter saw on site that elementary school students attending the exhibition occasionally called on their parents to help scan QR codes and participate in the interaction. At the age of 8, Wei Cheng listened attentively to the virtual digital character "Little Bookboy" in the AR guide explaining his works, while following the clues to step by step check in and pass the level. Compared to other museums, this art museum has stronger interactivity and children will be more interested. There is also a checkpoint game that makes it easier for children to enter the state. If children don't listen to the explanations when going to the museum, they may feel bored. "A parent present was satisfied with the form of AR technology entering the art museum, I think it's still very good. Nowadays, AR is becoming more and more popular. We just saw a picture where two ink dragons were scanned, and this three-dimensional form makes children feel very novel. The collection of Suning Art Museum mainly focuses on painting art, covering various categories such as bronze, rhinoceros horn carving, oil painting, sculpture, and so on, dating back to the Later Shang Dynasty, Western Zhou Dynasty, Song and Yuan Dynasties, and even modern times. In the view of Liao Hui, the rotating director of Suning Art Museum, the combination of technology and tradition is an inevitable trend. "If we continue to follow the traditional path, there will be limitations. Although the exhibits are traditional, we need to achieve form innovation, so we can use fresh technologies such as the metaverse." Implanting AR technology can not only innovate the dissemination methods of traditional exhibits, but also greatly benefit the planning activities of the art museum itself. Generally speaking, art museums need to invest a large number of people in NPCs (non player characters), professional training for interpreters, and other aspects

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