Building a high-level art palace and creating a new era of cultural brilliance


On the new journey, we hope that the Chinese Art Museum will adhere to the correct political direction, adhere to the concept of putting the people first, practice the socialist core values, and make efforts in high-quality collection, high-level utilization, and high-quality services. We will strive to create a national or even world-class art palace for the people to appreciate art works and improve cultural literacy in the new era, in order to promote the prosperity and development of China's art industry, promote cultural confidence and self-improvement, and build socialism Make greater contributions to the new glory of culture. Sixty years of wind and rain. On May 23, 1963, the China Art Museum was completed and opened. Over the past 60 years, the China National Art Museum has collected over 130000 pieces of various Chinese and foreign art works, held over 5500 influential art exhibitions, and continuously dedicated art classics to the public. It is a beautiful landscape for the development of new Chinese art. Today, whether it is promoting the prosperity and prosperity of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era, or creating a high-quality life for the people and meeting the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, all call for the "four museums" as public cultural service platforms, such as art galleries, libraries, cultural centers, and museums, to achieve high-quality development. High quality collection is the foundation and momentum of the development of the "Four Museums". High quality collection is the foundation of building a museum, and the key lies in precision and completeness. The "essence" of collection refers to exquisite and classic works. Facing the vast world, whether it is the collection of art works in art museums, museum collections, or the selection of library materials, the principle of selecting the best from the best is the selection of collections. Specifically, the 'classics' here are both historical and contemporary. Speaking of it as' historical ', it refers to the spiritual products that have been passed down in human history, representing a model of human civilization in the world, and a true portrayal of the spiritual styles of different eras. From this, we can gain insights and gain wisdom. It is said to be 'current' because classics have exemplary cultural value and significance, and are timeless. The "complete" collection not only refers to the "complete" collection category, but also refers to the "complete" collection path and method. The former refers to the "complete" versions such as ancient books and the "complete" cultural classics of various eras; The latter refers to the "complete" collection channels and methods, which means striving to expand the collection path. For example, at the domestic level, different collection methods such as government, private, and individual channels are adopted; Strengthen cultural cooperation at the international level, promote the institutionalized development of national and regional cultural exchange and cooperation, and expand the collection channels of classic collections through the establishment of international alliances and other non-governmental organizations through purchase, exchange, and other means. High level utilization is the effectiveness and skill of the development of the "Four Halls". This is also an important platform and link for making high-quality collections effective. Among them, technology empowerment is an effective way that deserves attention. In the era of integrated media informatization, how to make good use of cutting-edge technologies to achieve digital survival and dissemination of culture has become a top priority in the construction of the "four libraries". For example, the "Public Digital Culture Project" promotes the formation of new forms of public cultural services through digital technology, achieving high-level coverage and utilization of libraries and cultural centers; Strengthen the construction of smart library system and enhance digital literacy

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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