Zahariyev, President of the Bulgarian "the Belt and Road" National Federation: Any "decoupling" from China will affect world stability


Zahariyev, chairman of the Bulgarian "the Belt and Road" National Federation, said in an exclusive interview that China is the "stabilizer" of the world economy, and any attempt to "decouple" from China will affect the stability of the world. Zahariyev stated that countries around the world have deeply integrated into economic globalization, and only by strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation can they comply with economic laws and achieve maximum benefits. He pointed out that a very few countries propose to "decouple from China" in an attempt to blackmail China, seek more benefits and chips. But many companies in these countries do not agree, but continue to cooperate with China in various economic and social fields. Trade with China is also continuing to grow. The International Monetary Fund recently predicted that China's economic growth rate will be 5.2% in 2023, contributing about one-third of the world's economic growth. Zahariyev believes that in recent years, China has been the locomotive of the world economy, and international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have positive expectations for China's economic development. The healthy development of China's economy helps to mitigate the risks of slowing growth and rising inflation faced by the world economy. He emphasized that in the global digital wave, China's technology is thriving and has made significant progress in many fields. The increasing purchasing power of the Chinese people and the continuous rise in living standards have unleashed tremendous vitality in the Chinese market, which has a population of 1.4 billion. The huge consumer market and stable economic growth have shown the world the development potential and broad prospects of China's economy. Zahariyev stated that since the establishment of the China Central and Eastern European Countries Cooperation Mechanism in 2012, economic and trade cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries and China has achieved numerous results. For example, thanks to cooperation with China, Port of Piraeus in Greece has become a leading container port in the Mediterranean Sea. Many European countries are actively seeking to further develop economic partnerships with China and strengthen cooperation with China in economic, technological, and other fields. Zahariyev believes that with the continuous deepening of cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries and China, the bilateral economic and trade relations between the two countries will usher in greater development opportunities, and the potential for economic cooperation between the two countries is enormous. He stated that Bulgaria has a huge demand for infrastructure construction such as municipal and road infrastructure, and China has rich experience in these fields. He hopes that Chinese enterprises can assist Bulgaria in infrastructure and energy construction. Zahariyev told reporters that he will depart for China to participate in the third China Central and Eastern European Countries Expo in the near future, and is full of anticipation for the upcoming "China Tour". (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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