Starting from June 2nd, China will mutually implement RCEP tariff reduction with the Philippines


On the 15th, the reporter learned from the Office of the State Council Tariff and Tariff Commission that in order to strictly fulfill the commitments of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and actively promote the full implementation of RCEP, the State Council Tariff and Tariff Commission recently issued a notice stating that from June 2, 2023, some imported goods originating in the Philippines will be subject to the agreement tax rates applicable to ASEAN member countries of RCEP, and subsequent annual tax rates will be implemented from January 1 of that year. After the RCEP came into effect for the Philippines, all 15 members completed the entry into force process and implemented tariff concessions with each other, entering a new stage of comprehensive implementation of the agreement. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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