Distinguishing the Five Grains and Nourishing the Spleen and Stomach


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the five grains have a peaceful taste and benefit the spleen and stomach. The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine records the principle of dietary pairing, which states that "the five grains are for nourishment, the five fruits are for assistance, the five livestock are for benefit, the five vegetables are for filling, the scent is combined and taken to replenish essence and Qi". Traditionally, five grains refer to rice (rice, rice), millet (yellow rice), millet (also known as millet, also known as millet), wheat (wheat), and beans (beans); Now, grains refer to various cereal foods. Combining medicine with food, grains can be used as medicine to prevent diseases, and each has its own characteristics. The japonica rice in rice has a sweet and flat taste, which can nourish qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and eliminate thirst. It is suitable for people with malnutrition, chronic gastritis, and enteritis. The dietary fiber in the rice bran layer helps with gastrointestinal peristalsis, preventing and treating constipation and hemorrhoids. Usually, japonica rice can be used to cook Congee and make cakes, but japonica rice has a high calorie, and diabetes patients should not eat more. Yellow rice is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamin E, zinc, copper and other elements, which have the effects of tonifying qi, tonifying deficiency, moistening intestines, and relieving constipation. Meanwhile, the high content of plant fiber can assist in increasing intestinal peristalsis and improving constipation symptoms. Xiaomi has a sweet and cool taste, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, tonify the kidneys and calm the nerves. It is suitable for patients with functional dyspepsia, nausea, diarrhea, and insomnia. Xiaomi contains vitamins B1 and B12, which can prevent mouth sores. Millet has a high iron content, which can prevent iron deficiency anemia. It is often used for postpartum recuperation. It can be boiled with mutton to treat postpartum weakness. Wheat has the effects of nourishing the heart, strengthening the spleen, calming the nerves, nourishing yin, tonifying the kidneys, and removing heat. It can treat anxiety, insomnia, sweating, and thirst. Suitable for emotional depression, especially for menopausal women. Daily options include 20-30 grams of floating wheat, 10-20 grams of Fushen, and 6-10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus. Grind the medicinal food and boil it in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Remove the residue and drink tea, which can help alleviate discomfort symptoms such as hot flashes, restlessness, sweating, and insomnia in women. (Outlook New Era Network)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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