Satellite Internet: Bringing Signals to Everywhere Around the World


With satellite internet, it means that there are hundreds or thousands of satellites in the sky that can constantly exchange information with mobile phones, ships, planes, cars, etc. on Earth - even in the mountains, there is no need to worry about signal loss, and you can still freely "surf" online. Whether on land, sea, or in the air, you can accurately obtain information about the location, temperature, and other information of goods. The location of ships and real-time dynamics of aircraft can be "at a glance"; Even the growth of global crops and the occurrence of diseases and pests can be fully grasped. With the continuous development of satellite internet, in the future, no matter when and where you are, you will never lose touch with the world. The aerospace industry is a "pearl" in various countries' competition directions. The aerospace industry includes traditional fields such as rocket manufacturing, satellite manufacturing, satellite launch, satellite measurement and control, satellite operation, and satellite applications, as well as emerging directions such as space mining, space tourism, and commercial return. Rockets and satellites are the carriers for realizing the space dream. After more than 60 years of development, China has completed the accumulation of technology and products for satellites of various mass sizes and launch vehicles of different tonnage. In the future, commercial satellites and rockets will develop towards high integration, low cost, and personalization, and new technologies will be widely adopted. The satellites we currently use include communication satellites, navigation satellites, remote sensing satellites, and meteorological satellites. The emerging satellite internet is a satellite communication system that can provide broadband access services. The satellites used by satellite Internet have high orbits of about 36000km, medium circular orbit of 8000-20000km, low orbits of 350-1400km, etc. The current commercial satellite internet is mostly composed of low orbit giant constellation systems. The entire satellite internet industry includes satellite manufacturing, satellite launch, satellite operation, and satellite applications. Due to the potential disruptive applications brought by satellite internet, this field has become one of the important directions for international competition, and the difficulty of constellation technology and system implementation in its large-scale commercial applications has gradually made it a "pearl" of concern in the aerospace field. Currently, the most well-known satellite internet companies are SpaceX's star chain constellations in the United States. As of March 29 of this year, they have launched a total of 81 batches, totaling 4217 star chain satellites. The latest plan of SpaceX shows that the first generation star chain constellation consists of five orbital layers, with an orbit of 540-570 kilometers, and a total of 4408 satellites deployed. It is expected to be fully completed by 2023. The second generation star chain constellation consists of 9 orbital layers, with an orbit of 340-614 kilometers, and a total of 29988 satellites deployed; However, currently only 7500 satellites have been officially approved for deployment, tentatively named Starlink Gen2A, and two of them have already been deployed. On March 26th Beijing time, India successfully launched the last 36 satellites of the OneWeb first generation Internet constellation using the GSLV MK3 rocket, bringing the number of satellites in orbit to 618 and operating at an orbit of 1200 kilometers. According to the mission statement of the Indian Space Research Organization, the total weight of the 36 OneWeb satellites launched this time is

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