Foreign Ministers of the six Central Asian countries of China jointly attended the launching ceremony of the Chang'an Xi'an Central Asia special train on the 10th anniversary of the China EU train "the Belt and Road"


On April 26, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, together with the foreign ministers of five Central Asian countries who attended the fourth meeting of China Central Asian foreign ministers, visited the Xi'an International Port Area and attended the launching ceremony of the Chang'an Central Asia Special Train, the 10th anniversary of the China Europe Train "the Belt and Road". The foreign ministers listened to the introduction of the construction of the Xi'an International Port Area and the China Europe Train Xi'an Assembly Center, understood in detail the fruitful achievements of Shaanxi and Xi'an in deeply integrating into the high-quality construction of the "the Belt and Road" and building a highland of inland reform and opening up, spoke highly of the achievements of the construction of the land port logistics hub, multimodal transport and the China Europe Train in the International Port Area, and looked forward to strengthening the docking of development strategies with China, and expanding local and logistics cooperation by taking advantage of Xi'an's regional advantages. The foreign ministers jointly pushed for the starting point and launched the Chang'an Xi'an Central Asia special train, which is the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" China Europe regular train. It is understood that the China Europe Express Xi'an Assembly Center has opened 17 trunk routes from Xi'an to Central Asian countries, where goods from countries along the "the Belt and Road" and 29 domestic provinces are gathered and distributed, which plays an important role in deepening cooperation between China and Central Asia and promoting smooth two-way logistics. The core indicators such as the operating volume, cargo volume, and heavy container rate of Chang'an Express have consistently ranked among the top in the country. In the first quarter of this year, Chang'an Express operated over 1100 trains, a year-on-year increase of 40%. In 2022, a total of 4639 trains were opened, with a year-on-year increase of over 20%. The total weight of transported goods exceeded 4 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of over 43%. This Xi'an Central Asia special train carries over 260 BYD new energy vehicles manufactured in Xi'an, and is expected to arrive in Tashkent in 12 days. The foreign ministers were also interested in test driving BYD's new energy passenger car. It is reported that Xi'an's new energy vehicles account for 14% of China's total production and are sold globally, making them highly popular in Central Asia. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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