Special report from Xinhua News Agency | A four month long top-level art feast, the "Spring of Sino French Culture" blooms, blooms and bears fruit as scheduled


France is synonymous with romance and fashion, and holds a pivotal position in the development of Western art. Many bright pearls in the art history: Marcel Duchamp, Jacques David, Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne and others have played an irreplaceable role in the construction of western culture and art. The year 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the Sino French Cultural Year, and the "Spring of Sino French Culture", which inherits its legacy, has established distinct characteristics with innovative artistic concepts. While showcasing French culture and art, it promotes cooperation between China and France in multiple fields - it is rooted in China and deeply cultivated in the territory of cultural dialogue between the two countries. On April 5th of this year, the opening ceremony of the 17th "Sino French Cultural Spring" was grandly held at the Red Brick Art Museum in Beijing, with French President Marco Long personally present to unveil the event. It is understood that this event will continue until July, during which more than 65 projects are expected to be launched in more than 20 cities in China, including 5 cities in southern China. On April 21, French President Marco Long unveiled the opening ceremony of the 17th "Sino French Cultural Spring". The South China media conference for the "Sino French Cultural Spring" was held in Guangzhou. This event continues to adhere to cultural dialogue and strives to inject new vitality into it. Sylvain FURRIERE, Consul General of France in Guangzhou, Christophe Bagonneau, Cultural Consul General of the French Consulate General in Guangzhou, Charles Demande, General Manager of the Sofitel Hotel Santa Fe in Guangzhou, as well as cultural and artistic figures and media friends, attended the press conference. Fu Xiwei (fourth from left), Consul General of France in Guangzhou, Bai Chuanhong (fourth from right), Consul General of French Consulate General in Guangzhou, and Chadmon (third from left), General Manager of Sofitel Hotel Santa Fe in Guangzhou, along with Chi K11 Art Space in Guangzhou, French animation studio Millimages, Guangzhou Grand Theatre Representatives from Guangzhou Shangrong Art and Daliang Street Propaganda, Culture, Sports and Tourism Office in Shunde District, Foshan City jointly attended this press conference. The arrival of 2023 has poured new vitality into the cultural exchange between China and France. In his welcome speech, French Consul General Fuxi Wei mentioned that this year's "Sino French Cultural Spring" is particularly special. First, President Macron visited China and unveiled the "Sino French Cultural Spring". At the same time, this year's activities will have larger and heavier plans and arrangements. Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and opportunities for cultural exchange will spring up like mushrooms after rain. Currently, it is the 20th anniversary of the Sino French Cultural Year, and Consul General Fuxi Wei hopes that in 20 years, both of us can still celebrate the remarkable achievements of Sino French exchanges with curiosity and enthusiasm. The French Consul General in Guangzhou, Sylvain FURRIERE, also played a promotional video of the "Sino French Cultural Spring" and a short video recorded by Ambassador Huang Bo for the event on site. As a famous actor, director, and promotional ambassador for this year, Huang Bo has been actively participating in exchange activities between the Chinese and French film industry for a long time. He attended the 7th French Film Exhibition in 2010 and recommended French films to Chinese audiences. Later, in the 20th

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