Yesterday was World Parkinson's Day, and Temple of Heaven Hospital launched a symptom experience device. Parkinson's disease has shown a trend of youthfulness in recent years


Yesterday was World Parkinson's Day. In order to attract more people's attention and understanding of this disease, a free clinic activity with the theme of "Caring for Parkinson's Disease" was held in the lobby of the outpatient department of Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated with Capital Medical University. Medical staff have also brought a self-developed Parkinson's symptom experience toolkit, which can be worn "immersively" to experience the difficulty of Parkinson's patients' movements, in order to stimulate people's attention and empathy towards the affected population. A reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily saw at the scene that doctors from several relevant departments in the hospital were answering questions for families and patients in front of the free clinic. With the help of a large screen, medical staff explained the symptoms, recognition methods, treatment principles, nursing knowledge, and more of Parkinson's disease to everyone. It is worth mentioning that a Parkinson's symptom experience device has attracted many people to try it on. This set of tools is mainly worn on the limbs, which can "immerse" the state of limited limb movement in Parkinson's patients. At the scene, a family member who accompanied their family to see a doctor couldn't help but experience it. After putting it on, I feel extremely stiff and need external support to stand up from the chair. Walking is also very slow, and I always feel like I have to lean forward. My steps have become small steps, and my hands and feet are no longer at my disposal. Even picking up food with chopsticks and delivering it to my mouth has become very inconvenient. "This family member deeply understands that" it's really not easy, and we need to be more patient to take care of Parkinson's patients. According to Liu Xin, the head nurse of the Movement Disorders Department at Tiantan Hospital, this Parkinson's Symptom Experience Kit is designed based on the motor symptoms of Parkinson's patients. It incorporates knowledge related to Parkinson's disease into the scene, and through an "immersive" perspective, experiences the special abnormal manifestations and discomfort of the limbs, allowing the experimenter to reflect and understand, deepening the understanding of caregivers and medical staff on the importance of controlling the progression of Parkinson's disease, Increase their empathy and empathy to better serve patients. This innovative device belongs to the nursing patent invention and creation category, which includes five patents. It has been displayed and provided for people to experience in multiple events. In recent years, with the intensification of aging in China, the incidence of Parkinson's disease has also increased. According to Wang Zhan, chief physician of the Department of Motion Disorders at the neurology Center of the Temple of Heaven Hospital, Parkinson's disease is a senile disease, with a incidence rate of 1.7% for people over 65 years old. Currently, the number of Parkinson's disease patients in China accounts for about half of the global total. In addition, Parkinson's disease has shown a trend of youthfulness in recent years, and young people in their thirties and forties can also get sick. In addition to aging, risk factors for Parkinson's disease include environmental factors, such as exposure to pesticides, toxic and harmful chemicals, as well as genetic factors. What symptoms should be noted? Wang Zhan said, "If you experience body tremors, slow movements, and are unable to smoothly complete some delicate movements, such as tying shoelaces or buttons, or hear an elderly person complain that their hands are not working hard, their hands are getting clumsy, and their cooking time is longer than before, it should be noted. From the walking posture, it can also be seen that some elderly people walk with one leg dragging and their arms bent without swinging

Edit:Guanguan    Responsible editor:Niexiaoqian

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