Latest Report: More than 80% of Workplace People Have Sleep Disorders


According to the "2023 Workplace White Collar Sleep Observation Report" released recently by human resource service provider 51job, more than 80% of workers have sleep problems, and respondents believe that work is the main factor leading to sleep disorders. The Report shows that for white-collar workers, the main three types of trouble are shallow sleep/easy to wake up (33.6%), too short deep sleep time (29.5%), and difficulty falling asleep (27%). In addition, the proportion of snoring, lack of sleep, and irregular work and rest patterns is also above 20%. Among the people who confess that "it is difficult to fall asleep", the proportion of management personnel is higher than that of non management personnel, with 24.4% of grassroots employees and 37.5% of senior management personnel respectively. 40% of the respondents habitually stay up late, that is, they sleep after 23:00 four days or more a week. The majority of people who stay up late take the initiative, accounting for more than half. "Playing with a mobile phone before bedtime" is the top cause of staying up late in the workplace. Research shows that among the numerous mobile phone pop-up messages that cause difficulty sleeping, people in the work group, such as @ you (57.7%), leaders' small windows (40%), messages from partners or potential partners (25%), and credit card repayment bills (23.3%), are the most difficult to make people feel at ease and fall asleep. Interviewees believe that work is the main factor leading to sleep disorders. Upon evaluation, 72.3% of them have difficulties managing workplace stress. According to previous research on the platform, nearly 60% of the interviewed workers work overtime for more than one hour every day on average, 35.1% work overtime for 1-2 hours every day on average, and 13.6% work overtime for 2-3 hours every day on average. Quality sleep is a guarantee of health. Interviews have found that more than half of workplace people are not satisfied with their sleep quality, with 50.3% of the population rating their sleep as below 70, and 33.3% of the population rating their sleep as between 70 and 80. Only 16.3% of professionals are relatively satisfied with their sleep quality, with 15% of the population scoring between 80 and 90 points on their sleep quality. In terms of sleep quality, there is no significant difference between job levels, and the self-evaluation of sleep quality among management personnel is slightly higher than that of grassroots employees. According to the survey, only a small number of respondents' enterprises provide lunch breaks in limited office areas. Although most enterprises provide lunch breaks, there is a relatively lack of suitable rest places for lunch breaks. This survey defines enterprises that have regular nap habits and provide nap venues as "nap friendly" enterprises. Among first-tier cities, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have a higher proportion of "nap friendly" enterprises, accounting for 10.4% and 13.3%, respectively, slightly higher than Beijing and Shanghai. A large number of psychological studies have shown that lack of sleep affects work performance. According to the Report, 82.6% of respondents said they sleep less than 8 hours a day; The proportion of people who achieve 6-7 hours (35.3%) and 7-8 hours (44%) is equivalent; Only 3.3% and 1.3% of practitioners slept less than 6 hours and more than 9 hours, respectively. In this survey, 89.7% of workplace workers have made various efforts to improve sleep quality, and 49% believe that "good sleep+frequent exercise" is a positive cycle and a good medicine for falling asleep quickly. In addition,

Edit:Ying Ying    Responsible editor:Shen Chen

Source:Beijing Daily

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