China has become Germany's most important trading partner for the seventh consecutive year


The data released by the German Federal Bureau of Statistics on the 16th showed that the bilateral trade volume between Germany and China in 2022 was 297.9 billion euros, and China became Germany's most important trading partner for the seventh consecutive year. According to the data, Germany's imports from China in 2022 amounted to 191.1 billion euros, up 33.6% year on year; Germany's exports to China amounted to 106.8 billion euros, up 3.1% year on year. In the past few decades, China ranked 35th among the most important import sources of Germany in 1980, and rose to 14th in 1990. Since 2015, China has been the country with the most imported products from Germany. The data also showed that the total bilateral trade between Germany and the United States, Germany and the Netherlands last year ranked second and third, with 247.8 billion euros and 233.6 billion euros respectively. The German Federal Bureau of Statistics issued a statement on the 16th that Germany's trade surplus in 2022 was 79.7 billion euros, which fell to the lowest level since 2000. Compared with 175.3 billion euros in 2021, the decline was more than 50%, partly due to the sharp rise in energy import prices. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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