"Looking forward to the blooming of China's economy in spring" - The international community is optimistic about the prospects of China's economic development


On January 17th, 2022, China's economic performance report was released. The total economic output of China exceeds 120 trillion yuan, equivalent to over 18 trillion US dollars, firmly ranking second in the world; An increase of 3% compared to the previous year, with economic growth faster than most major economies. Faced with multiple unexpected factors, the Chinese economy has withstood pressure and maintained overall stability in operation. The international community generally believes that although China's economic growth rate will slow down in 2022 due to factors such as the epidemic, as epidemic prevention and control enter a new stage, China's economic and social vitality will be further released, continuing to become a "stabilizer" and "engine" of world economic recovery and growth. "The growth rate is better than expected." Agence France Presse reported on the 17th that with the implementation of the optimized epidemic prevention at borders policy, China's economy is expected to achieve a strong recovery. Since January 8, China has adjusted the infection of COVID-19 from "Class B A" to "Class B B". Several foreign chambers of commerce in China, including the American Chamber of Commerce in China, the British Chamber of Commerce, and the German Chamber of Commerce, have stated that China's adjustment of epidemic prevention policies will help restore personnel and business travel between China and foreign countries, restore market optimism, and China will continue to be a priority investment destination for foreign investment. Various regions have signed contracts to start major projects, competed for charter flights to "go abroad" to grab orders, and the catering and tourism market is gradually recovering... From the rising fireworks and busy recovery, international investors have smelled the full opportunities in China, and international media have captured positive signals of China's economy's upward trend. At the beginning of the new year, Hong Kong stocks, Chinese concept stocks, and A-shares have continued to rise sharply, and foreign investment's confidence in Chinese assets has significantly increased. Multiple investment banks have raised their forecasts for China's economic growth this year, with Morgan Stanley further raising its forecast to 5.7% on the 10th. The confidence in the prospects of China's economic development comes from the strong support of macroeconomic policies and the strong engine of domestic demand. On January 10th, the World Bank released the Global Economic Outlook report, which lowered the global economic growth forecast for 2023 to 1.7%, the third lowest level in nearly 30 years. The report points out that due to factors such as high inflation, rising interest rates, reduced investment, and the Ukrainian crisis, global economic growth is rapidly slowing to a dangerous level close to recession. The latest China Economic Briefing by the World Bank suggests that as global demand growth deteriorates, the overall demand structure of the Chinese economy is expected to gradually shift towards domestic demand. With the improvement of consumer confidence and the release of suppressed consumer demand, consumption will gradually recover; The sustained expenditure on infrastructure investment and the recovery of investor sentiment will also drive a rebound in investment growth rate. "Multiple factors will drive China's economy to recover strong growth, one of which is the government's active measures to stimulate market vitality and boost consumer confidence." Ma Leili, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the New Development Bank, stated that based on the experiences of countries around the world, consumer enthusiasm will soon return after the adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures. Pei Deming, Director of the Economic Department of the Asian Development Bank's Representative Office in China, believes that although the external environment will bring pressure to the Chinese economy in 2023, China has sufficient policy support space to support household consumption and real estate investment through fiscal and monetary policies. The tools in the policy toolbox are sufficient, and the key is to coordinate relevant policies well. Faced with the severe and complex external environment, China has made clear arrangements for economic work in 2023. The Central Economic Work Conference requires us to prioritize stability and seek progress while maintaining stability, continue to implement active fiscal and prudent monetary policies, increase macroeconomic policy regulation, strengthen coordination and cooperation among various policies, and form a joint force to promote high-quality development. The strong resilience and enormous potential of the Chinese economy have brought sustained impetus to the recovery and growth of the world economy - "Swiss girl peak looks forward to Chinese skiing enthusiasts", "Cambodia hopes to receive 2 million Chinese tourists this year", "Thai Vice Premier and other government officials go to the airport to welcome Chinese flights to Thailand"... With China announcing that it will gradually resume Chinese citizens traveling to eligible countries, governments and the tourism industry in many countries are eagerly anticipating it. Julia Simpson, President and CEO of the World Tourism and Travel Council, recently stated in an interview that Chinese tourists will inject momentum into the global tourism industry's recovery. Borg Brend, President of the World Economic Forum, stated that China's optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention policies will drive growth in service industries such as industrial output, investment, and tourism. As the world's second-largest economy, China's openness contributes to global economic growth. The open door is getting bigger and bigger as it opens. Starting from January 1st this year, the new version of the Catalogue of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment will be officially implemented, further expanding the scope of encouraging foreign investment; China implements a provisional import tax rate lower than the most favored nation rate for 1020 goods. Starting from July 1st, the eighth step of tax reduction will be implemented for the most favored nation tax rate of 62 information technology products. After adjustment, the total tariff level in China will decrease from 7.4% to 7.3%. China is steadfast in comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, promoting high-quality development, and creating more opportunities for the world through its own development. In the past three years, I have been stationed in China and have seen the resilience and potential of the Chinese economy's continuous development. Despite facing enormous pressure and challenges, China's economic development is resilient and driven, and the overall trend of China's economy is moving forward Yu Fu, President of the China Israel Chamber of Commerce, said. The President of the International Monetary Fund, Georgieva, said in an interview with the media: "China's recovery ability after the end of nearly three years of epidemic prevention and isolation measures is likely to become the most important factor in global economic growth in 2023, with a huge impact." "At the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, China became an important country among the major economies to maintain positive growth. With the economic downturn in Europe and the United States this year, China's economy is expected to once again stand out, shouldering the responsibility of promoting global economic growth." Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao recently published an article saying that it expects China's economy to blossom in spring, revealing the consensus of more and more international public opinion. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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