How to regulate "upper heat and lower cold"


Every winter, there is a group of people who are afraid of the cold, but also have the symptoms of burning. The upper body is "stove", and the lower body is "ice cellar". From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, such people belong to the syndrome of "upper heat and lower cold", that is, the human body has both "hot" and "cold" symptoms at the same time. The theory that the imbalance of yin and yang leads to "upper heat and lower cold" and "upper heat and lower cold" has existed for a long time. The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine mentioned that "the upper heat is higher than the cold, which is taken by those who sink into the meridians according to the deficiency of their pulse, and the lower qi is the stop, which is also called the" leading down "." The Theory of Pathogenesis of Various Diseases also wrote that "the upper heat is higher when the yang qi is combined with the upper heat, and the lower cold when the yin qi is combined with the lower cold." That is to say, "the upper heat and the lower cold" are a series of symptoms caused by the abnormal rise and fall of yin and yang in the human body, the combination of yin and yang, the smell of cold and heat, and the inability to circulate up and down. Li Bushuang, deputy chief physician of the Special Clinic for Physical Conditioning of Xiamen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that if the human body is in balance with yin and yang, the upper limb heat will sink and recover normally, and the kidney cold will rise to nourish yin and nourish yuan, the body will be able to generate yin and yang, and water and fire will be combined. When the heart fire in the upper part of the body can't flow down, the kidney water in the lower part can't rise, the heart and kidney don't mix, and the yin and yang are separated, the body will naturally become too hot in the upper part of the body, and too cold in the lower part of the body, resulting in a variety of diseases with imbalance between cold and heat, forming the phenomenon of "up heat and down cold". The symptoms of "upper heat" and "lower cold" are different. What are the symptoms of "upper heat"? Li Bushuang said that the main symptoms were sore throat, bitter mouth, oral ulcer, acne, swollen gums, and other chronic diseases such as pharyngitis, otitis media, thyroid abnormalities, and so on. The expression of "lower cold" is mainly reflected in the fact that people below the stomach are more afraid of cold than normal people, such as cold feet and knees, cold legs and feet, and dare not eat cold, and indigestion, diarrhea and flatulence are also common in the stomach. Li Bushuang said that another obvious feature of "hot and cold" is insomnia, easy to wake up and poor sleep quality. In terms of diet, this group of people is also very sensitive. Eating a little spicy hot food will cause fire, and eating a little cold food will cause diarrhea. Li Bushuang said that people who are "hot and cold" are not uncommon nowadays. Some people have bad living habits. They often eat raw and cold vegetables and fruits and spicy and greasy fried food, and their yin and yang are reversed. In addition, some people sit in front of the computer all day long, which makes it difficult for water and fire to flow up and down. Stay up too late at night and turn black and white upside down. In the long run, the constitution of "hot up and cold down" will be formed. Three methods of conditioning "upper heat and lower cold" Zhou Bencao, head of Xiamen Ruilaichun TCM Clinic, suggested that three points should be paid attention to when conditioning "upper heat and lower cold". First of all, you can try to soak your feet more, warm your lower limbs, and lead your blood down. Soaking feet can help keep feet warm and improve blood circulation. You can cook mugwort leaves and cinnamon to soak your feet, or you can use a special recipe to soak your feet. The effect is better. Secondly, we should also pay attention to diet. People who are "hot on the top and cold on the bottom" should have a light diet. They should not eat too much and leave some room for digestion for the spleen and stomach. At ordinary times, you can eat more poria cocos, yams, lotus seeds, black beans isothermal and food, try to eat less raw, cold and greasy food, and avoid spicy and yin damaging food. Thirdly, people who are "hot up and cold down" can focus on the four points of the body: Guanyuan, Zusanli, Sanyinjiao and Yongquan. Massage and moxibustion can be performed on these four points.

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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