Self medication requires vigilance against these medication mistakes


Recently, a news that "women infected with COVID-19 suffered from liver failure due to indiscriminate taking of medicine" triggered widespread debate. Medication seems to be a small matter, but in fact, it is also very particular. Many people have misunderstandings in this "small matter" of medication in life. Myth 1: Take medicine in advance and take a lot of nutrient supplements to prevent diseases. Winter is the season of high incidence of colds. In order to avoid illness, many people take traditional Chinese medicine such as Banlangen and Ganmao Qingre Granule in advance to "prevent". Others take a lot of nutrient supplements to improve their immunity. Yuan Hengjie, deputy director and chief pharmacist of the Pharmacy Department of the General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, said: "The only consequence of misuse of drugs and nutrient supplements is that the burden on the liver or kidney of the body is increased, which may lead to serious consequences and damage to the body." Yuan Hengjie took an example, for example, many people now take vitamin C in large doses, At present, the daily intake recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society is 100 mg, but many people take it in excess. Long term excessive supplementation of vitamin C may bring risks such as urinary calculi, elevated uric acid and gout. Yuan Hengjie reminded that it is better to maintain a healthy diet, moderate exercise and good sleep while doing a good job of personal protection than taking large doses of medicine in advance. Improving self immunity through good living habits is the real "good medicine" to prevent disease. Myth 2: In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, arbitrarily increase the dosage and shorten the interval of medication. In life, some people feel that the effect is not good after taking medication, especially for chronic diseases, which have not improved for a long time, so they randomly increase the dosage, or shorten the interval of medication and increase the frequency of medication. In this regard, Yuan Hengjie said that overdose and overdose of medication is very undesirable. Take COVID-19 infection as an example, the drugs used to reduce fever mainly include non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetaminophen and ibuprofen single or compound preparations. After the antipyretic drug is used once, if the pain or fever lasts, it can be repeated once every 4-6 hours. "Many patients increase the dosage or shorten the interval of administration without authorization because the antipyretic effect is not obvious. The consequence is to increase the burden on the liver, and even cause serious liver damage." Yuan Hengjie took an example, for example, excessive use of paracetamol can cause liver damage, coma, etc; Excessive use of ibuprofen can increase the risk of gastrointestinal adverse reactions, and may even lead to gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation and other serious consequences. Not only antipyretic drugs, such as atorvastatin, a blood lipid lowering drug, but also various adverse reactions, such as diarrhea, nausea and other gastrointestinal discomfort, can lead to increased liver enzymes, myalgia, muscle fatigue, and even the dissolution of striated muscles, if the drug is taken in large doses. Therefore, we must strictly follow the doctor's advice or use the drug according to the dosage on the instructions. We must not increase the drug dosage or frequency at will to avoid serious consequences. Myth 3: The more kinds of medicine you take, the better the effect. Many people think that taking more drugs to treat the same disease can make you get better faster. "As the saying goes, 'drugs are toxic'. Taking too many drugs will only increase the workload of metabolism and excretion of drugs, and increase the burden on the body

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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